ESA title
Paolo Nespoli works with LMM during his MagISStra mission in 2011
Science & Exploration

ISRS 2012 - International Symposium on Research in Space

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Research

ISRS Berlin, Germany, 2–4 May 2012
Venue & details to be announced via

ISRS 2012 will bring together the five ISS partner agencies, space-faring nations, the international science community, space experts, astronauts, engineers and representatives from industry, academia and media to assess the accomplishments achieved to date through research in space and enable discussion and debate on the future priorities and directions for space research, spin-offs and applications.

The multi-day event includes keynote addresses, panel discussions, case study presentations and scientific papers. It will also host a number of educational, public and media information activities.

Invited speakers and guests will receive more information on the programme in the coming weeks.

For further information, please contact

Directorate of Human Spaceflight & Operations
Promotion Office
Tel: +31 71 565 5069 or +31 71 565 5413

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