Winners of Stars competition selected

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18 November 2013

We are pleased to announce that the winners of our Stars competition are students from Surbiton High Boys’ Preparatory School! Congratulations on your hard work! You will soon receive a special prize from ESA!

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Our first runner-up is Maria, 6 year-old from Greece, who made this beautiful painting of herself and Antonios looking up at the sky and seeing, for the first time, the Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, and Polaris.

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Our second runner-up is Claudia from Spain, who is 6 years old as well, abd who sent us a beautiful drawing of the billions of stars that make up the Andromeda Galaxy.

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Our third runner-up is Thadeo, who is 4 and a half and from Germany, who made this beautiful collage.

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And last but not least is this beautiful image of the sky’s constellations made by Emilis, 11 years old, from Lithuania.

Congratulations to all our winners, and thanks to all of you who participated! The winning artwork is now published in our Art Gallery. Go check it out!

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