34 | A Word from the Chairman; Satellites as a Legal
Compliance Tool; The Second Workshop on Space Law and Space Applications
(22-23 June 2006); 4th Regional IISL Space Law Conference, Bangkok, Thailand
(6- 8 August 2006); ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy (4-15
September 2006); Conference: National Space Law – Developments in
Europe / Challenges for Small Countries (21-22 September 2006); Manfred
Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition; Telders International Law Moot Court
Competition (1977-2007); 2007 Practitioners Forum: "Consolidation of the
European Space Industry: Legal Aspects" (27 April 2007); European Centre
for Space - Election Guidelines 2007; 5th Space Conference of the Americas,
Quito, Ecuador (24-28 July 2006); APPLICATION FOR ECSL MEMBERSHIP 2007; 2007
Calendar of Major Upcoming Events; Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court
Competition: European Round Results |
2006 | NOV | |||||
32 & 33 | A Word from the Chairman; Some ECSL Highlights;
Current Status of Mitigation Measures on Space Debris; Considerations Over
the Loss of CryoSat ESA Satellite; The natural Disasters and the Role of
Satellite Remote Sensing: Economic and Legal Considerations The Tunis
Declaration II ; UN/Nigeria Workshop on Space Law: Meeting International
Responsibilities and Addressing Domestic Needs; IISL/ECSL Space Law Symposium
2006: Legal Aspects of Disaster Management and the Contribution of the Law of
Outer Space; Spaceflight and Law: Reflections on an Interdisciplinary
Symposium in Graz, Austria; ISEST Students at the World Summit on the
Information Society; NOPCs General Meeting and conference: National Space
Law – Developments in Europe/Challenges for Small Countries; Italian
Master University of Rome La Sapienza 2006: Diretto e Innovazione delle
Impresse Aero-Spaziali (D.I.A.S.); Book Summaries; Calendar of Major Events;
Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition: European Round Results ECSL 33 Special Edition: Report on the 2006 ECSL Practitioners Forum |
2006 | MAY | |||||
31 | A Word from the Chairman; Czech Republic – Space and Space Law – Past, Present and Future; The Organisation and the Function of the National Points of Contact; Belgian Efforts in Space... Law; Space Policy in Hungary; Report of the ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy; ECSL General Assembly Results; PROJECT 2001 PLUS - Global and European Challenges for Air and Space Law at the Edge of the 21st Century; Space Law has Taken Off in Cambridge; 2006 Practitioners Forum on Space Tourism – Legal and Policy Aspects; Legal and Ethical Aspects of Space Exploration; Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition; Calendar of Upcoming Events; UN Workshop Entitled Meeting International Responsibilities and Addressing Domestic Needs; Application Form for ECS Membership 2006; Registration Form for the 2006 Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Courst Competition | 2005 | NOV | MARCHINI A. & DANESY D. | ||||
30 | A Word from the President; Project 2001 Plus Global and European Challenges for Air and Space Law at the Edge of the 21st Century Workshop on Current Issues in the Registration of Space Objects; Global Monitoring for Environment and Security – A New Way of European Cooperation; Report on the 2005 ECSL Practitioners Forum; Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition - European Round Results; ECSL UK National Point of Contract – Conference on Current Issues in Earth Observation; IISL/ECSL Space Law Symposium 2005 Recent developments in remote sensing and the desirability of reviewing the 1986 United Nations Principles Relating to Remote Sensing of the Earth from Outer Space; 44th Session of the UNCOPUOS Legal Subcommittee; The Natural Disasters and the Role of Remote Sensing – Economic and Legal Considerations; International Conference "Natural Disasters and the Role of Satellite Remote-Sensing: Economic and Legal Considerations"; Italy will Host the 14th ECSL European Summer Course on Space Law and Policy; Telders Organising Office; First Regular Space Law Lecture at the University of Graz! - Block Lecture NOV/DEC 2004; A Postgraduate Course at the Heart of the Professional World – The Master in Law of Space Activities and Telecommunications; Interesting Reading and New Books; Calendar of ECSL upcoming events and important deadlines (May-October 2005); Errata Corrige | 2005 | MAY | MARCHINI A. & DANESY D. | ||||
29 | A Word from the President; ECSL SPECIAL MEETING: The Role and Place of the National Points of Contact (NPOCs) Within the ECSL Architecture; List of ECSL National Points of Contacts (NPOCs) | 2005 | FEB | MARCHINI A. & DANESY D. | ||||
28 | A Word from the President; UNIDROIT Examines Space Assets; The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS); Project 2001 Plus - 3rd Workshop "Towards a Harmonised Approach for National Space Legislation"; 1st International Week of Space and Telecommunications Law (IDEST); Report on the ECSL Practioner's Forum of 12 March 2004; The European Round of the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Competition; Report on the Symposium "Legal Aspects of Commercial Utilisation of the International Space Station (ISS) - A Dutch Example"; IISL/ECSL Space Law Symposium 2004 "New Developments and the Legal Framework Covering the Exploitation of the Resources of the Moon"; UNCOPUOS - Legal Subcommittee 43rd Meeting, Vienna, 29 March to 8 April 2004; The University of Jaen: an Example for the Promotion of Space Law in Spain; ESA-EU Project Legal Framework for a Coherent Future Structure of European Space Activities; ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy (Announcement); Legal and Ethical Framework for Astronauts' Activities in the International Space Station Era | 2004 | DEC | MARCHINI A. & DANESY D. | ||||
27 | A Word from the President; UNIDROIT Examines Space Assets (F. von der Dunk); The World Summit on the Information Society – WSIS (R. Kazancigil); Project 2001 Plus - 3rd Workshop: "Towards a Harmonised Approach for National Space Legislation" (M. Gerhard); 1st International Week of Space and Telecommunications Law - IDEST (R. Kazancigil); Report on the ECSL Practioner's Forum of 12 March 2004 (F. von der Dunk); The European Round of the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Competition (A. Marchini); Report on the Symposium: "Legal Aspects of Commercial Utilisation of the International Space Station (ISS) - A Dutch Example" (F. von der Dunk); IISL/ECSL Space Law Symposium 2004: "New Developments and the Legal Framework Covering the Exploitation of the Resources of the Moon" (T. Masson-Zwaan); Upcoming Events; UNCOPUOS - Legal Subcommittee: 43rd Meeting, Vienna, 29 March to 8 April 2004; The University of Jaen: an Example for the Promotion of Space Law in Spain (J.M. de Faraminan Gilbert); ESA-EU Project: Legal Framework for a Coherent Future Structure of European Space Activities (K. Kunzmann & T. Reuter); ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy (Announcement); Legal and Ethical Framework for Astronauts' Activities in the International Space Station Era (A. Marchini); (16 pages) | 2004 | JUN | MARCHINI A. & DANESY D. | ||||
26 | ||||||||
25 | Le mot du Prsident; 42nd Session du Sous Comit Juridique de Copuos (G. Lafferranderie); Future Events; Project 2001 Plus Legal Aspects of the Future Institutional Relationship between the European Union and the European Space Agency (S. Hobe et. al.); HSL/ECSL Space Law Symposium 2003: Reinforcing the Registration Convention (T. Masson-Zwaan); Symposium Related to the Evolution of Space Law in France (P. Le Bousse); Report on the ECSL Practitioner's Forum of 14 March 2003 (F. von der Dunk); Manfred Lachs Space Moot Court Competition: European Round; A Bit of History: Alberico Gentili; Workshop on New Trends in Space Law; The European Space Policy Institute - Rationale and Process (F. Maxurelle); Centre internaional sur le droit de l'espace (N. Malycheva); News from the NPOC Austria (C. Brnner); The 12th ECSL European Summer Course on Space Law and Space Policy; Katholieke Universiteit Leiden; ECSL Biennieal General Assembly; (16 pages) | 2003 | MAY | |||||
24 | ||||||||
23 | ||||||||
22 | ||||||||
21 | Le mot du Prsident; The Australian Space Activities Act of 1998 (F. von der Dunk); Le projet de Convention Unidroit relative aux garanties internationales portant sure des objets mobiles: l'irrsistible ascension du droit international priv dans la rgulation des activits spatiales (C. Feyte); Private International Law and Space Activities (J.M. de Faraminan Gilbert); Future and Past Meet at Workshop on Commercial Launch Activities (I. Zilioli); 24-hour Access to Outer Space Committee Activities (S. Whitehead); A New Graduate Programme in Brazil; A New Masters Degree (LLM) in Air and Space Law; Project 2001; Calendar 2000; (8 pages) | 2000 | MAY | |||||
20 | Le mot du Prsident; Le Conseil de l'Agence au Niveau Ministriel, Bruxelles 11-12 Mail 1999, (G. Lafferranderie); Towards a European Spectrum Policy? (S. Le Goueff); Earth Observation Data Policy and Europe - EOPOLE (R. Harris); The EOPOLE Project: Towards Coherent Earth-Observation Data Policies in Europe (F.G. von der Dunk); Final Report of the IISL Workshop on Space Law in the 21st Century; Space Law in the International Law Association; International Organisations and Space Law: Their Role and Contributions; 8th Summer Course on Space Law and Policy, Geneva, 30 August - 12 September 1999 (T. Herman); Institute of Space Law (IISL) Technical Programme, International Aeronautical Federation (IAF) Congress in Amsterdam (L. Covert); From the Library; 8th Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition; Calender 2000; (12 pages) | 1999 | DEC | |||||
19 | ||||||||
18 | Le mot du Prsident; ESA and the preparations for Unispace III (K. Bergquist); Inmarsat goes private (D. Sagar); Satellite communications licensing in the European Union (S. Le Goueff); 'L'Etat responsable' dans la directive Tlvision sans frontires (P. Achillas); Establishment of a National Point of Contact in Switzerland; Project 2001: A legal framework for the commercial use of outer space (S. Reif); 7th ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy, Brest, September 1998 (C. Kohlhase); 7th ECSL Practitioners' Forum; International Organisations and Space Law: Their role and contributions; From the Library; ECSL on the Internet: what's new?; (16 pages) | 1999 | FEB | |||||
17 | ||||||||
16 | ONLINE CONTENTS PAGE | 1996 | MAY | |||||
15 | ONLINE CONTENTS PAGE | 1995 | SEP | |||||
14 | ONLINE CONTENTS PAGE | 1994 | NOV | |||||
13 | ONLINE CONTENTS PAGE | 1994 | MAR | |||||
12 | Le mot du Prsident; ECSL Third General Meeting (G. Lafferranderie); Faut-il crer une organisation mondiale de l'Espace? (M. Bourly); ECSL Summarised Two-Year Plan; International Colloquia; Concours de droit spatial 'Moot Court' (A. Baillif); The 32nd Session of the UNCOPUOS Legal Sub-Committee (M. Ferrazzani); Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights in Outer Space (J.M. Lopez-Aguilar); Le droit face aux techniques de tldtection par satellites au service de l'environnement (C. Smith); Meeting of Space Law Editors; Recent Publications; ECSL/Dutch NPOC Workshop on New Opportunities for Cooperation in European Space Activities - ESTEC, 26 March 1993 - (H. Tuinder) | 1993 | SEP | |||||
11 | Le Mot du Prsident; Le Conseil Ministriel de Grenade de novembre 1992 (G. Lafferranderie); Messina ECSL summer course 1992 (P.H. Tuinder); ECSL Activities: First ECSL Practitioners Forum (K. Madders); Second EC-ECSL Workshop on Legal Aspects of Access to Earth Observation Data (P.H. Tuinder); ECSL 1993 Summer course; Space Law Moot Court Competition 1993 | 1993 | JAN | |||||
10 | Special Feature on East and Central Europe; L'ESA regarde vers l'Est (K. Barbance); Central Europe, Then and Now (V. Kopal); The post Soviet Legal Regime (E. Kamenetskaya); De l'URSS a la Russie: situation juridique (G. Lafferranderie); The 'Minsk Agreement'; L'Agence spatiale roumaine (I. Plaviciosu); ECSL Activities | 1992 | ||||||
9 | Special Feature on Remote Sensing; Space Law's Balancing Act on RS (P. Rinio); ESA Data Policy (M. Ferrazzani); Contract, Copyright & Data Protection (J.-D. Dupuy); Making Sense of Remote Sensing (G. Duchossios); ECSL Remote Sensing Activities (P.H. Tuinder) | 1992 | JUN | |||||
8 | Le Mot du Prsident; European Commercial Space: An Overview (K. Madders); Private Satellite Broadcasting in Europe; ECSL Two-Year Plan; Resolution on the European Long-Term Space Plan 1992-2005 and Programmes (adopted on 20 November 1991); ECSL 2nd General Meeting; ECSL Activities | 1991 | DEC | |||||
7 | MAU's into Hardware, Getting an ESA Optional Programme Going (W. Thiebaut); Eutelsat (C. Roisse); Risk Management and ESA (J. Schimrock); Patenting the Non-Obvious (P. Kallenbach); Eumetsat (V. Thiem); ESA Contracts (W. Thoma); ECSL Activities | 1991 | JUN | |||||
6 | The Chairman's Word; National Space Agencies (S. Sabbadini, R. Troke, Y. Rebillard, M. Spude, B. Staudt, K. Kraatz, S. Stromberg); and Telekom; Towards 1991 General Meeting; The New ECSL Secretary; ECSL Activities | 1991 | JAN | |||||
5 | Le Mot du Prsident; Coopration spatiale ESA-URSS; Insurance in Outer Space (I. Awford); Where the money's made - Space Communications (M. Mosteshar); Reflections on business in the future - the Space Stations (R.P. Kraner); The national regulative environment (E. Laudien); Progress on rules for safe use of nuclear power sources (NPS) in space (K.J. Madders); space litigation affecting European interests: the Hughes claims and the Ulysses case; R&D Procurement Practice (S. Kahn); ECSL Activities | 1990 | JUL | |||||
4 | ONLINE CONTENTS PAGE | 1990 | APR | |||||
3 | Le Mot du Prsident; L'ESA et les dbris spatiaux; Premire runion de Bureau; L'ESA et les astronautes; ECSL Fund; Agreements between ESA and other States; ECSL Administration; Publications; Manifestations venir; Rcents Colloques | 1990 | JAN | |||||
2 | The Chairman's Word; The Foundation of the European Centre for Space Law; Recent and Upcoming ECSL Activities; Responses to ECSL's Start-Up; Membership and Further Information; ECSL Charter | 1989 | AUG | |||||
1 | Editorial; The European Centre for Space Law Initiative (G. Lafferranderie); ESALEX and the ECSL User; About ECSL News; Outcome of the ECSL Questionnaire; Meetings and Courses 1989; Legal Texts and Publications | 1989 | APR | |||||