European Space Agency

The ESA Life Sciences Programme


Results obtained in space life sciences over the past decade have had a remarkable influence on the current thinking on the role gravity plays at all levels of life, from the organisation of a single cell to the nature of gravity-driven responses in more highly developed organisms including man. Experiments in space have invalidated quite a number of established theories about the mechanics of dynamic behaviour in certain animal and plant systems. They have generated new insights and new questions.

Based on the results obtained worldwide from microgravity and relevant ground-based research, including 10 years of European contributions, the ESA Microgravity Advisory Committee (MAC) undertook a status review with the help of the expertise available within ESA's life-science and materials/fluid-science working groups.

As a result, ESA obtained a recommendation from MAC as to how to proceed with respect to focusing on selected areas of research, which were considered to hold promise of tangible results that could justify the effort involved.

The MAC proposed to vigorously exploit Europe's current scientific strength in space life sciences by concentrating the programme on the most promising research areas with outstanding expertise in Europe. As exciting and novel ideas are emerging continuously, indicating the potential for development and the stimulus for innovative ideas in this field, the programme will not be restricted to existing knowledge, but remain open to new ideas at any time. It is intended in this way to form the foundation for sound future development.

Life Sciences: Results of previous experiments

Human physiology
One of the most important findings to date has been the remarkable tolerance of higher organisms to microgravity, even for extended periods of time. The "backbone " of this tolerance is, however, built into the compensatory mechanisms providing an equilibrium of all systems.

Nevertheless, it quickly became apparent that profound changes are induced in the human body once it is deprived of the ever-present gravity stimulus. There are effects that occur within minutes, such as disorientation with respect to the environment, or rapid displacements of body fluids from the lower part to the thorax and head. With longer exposure to microgravity, profound diminution of muscle mass and strength occurs, together with loss of bone minerals and degradation of its structure. The long-term effects of space radiation on the human body, on the other hand, are still totally unknown.

The past decade of space biology has demonstrated that gravity plays an important role in a variety of biological processes. Such a role could be expected in all those systems that were known, from ground-based gravitational biology, to be adept at perceiving gravity, such as the root tips in plants and the vestibular systems in animals. It could also be expected that weight-carrying structures like the mammalian skeleton, which are dynamic and adapt to changes in the loading environment, would be influenced by gravity. What could not be anticipated was the lower limit of biological dimension at which a changing gravity vector would still have an impact. There is now compelling evidence that this is at the sub-cellular level, in the sub-micrometre-sized world, where the force of gravity is almost negligible if compared with the forces governing molecular interactions. Apparently, there are conditions in which the weightless environment influences the cellular machinery fundamentally. Other results achieved are noted in Section Research focus for Space Biology.

Programmatic Background

Human Physiology
ESA's early support to a human physiology research programme culminated in the provision of 'Anthrorack', a laboratory supporting integrated research into cardiopulmonary and endocrine systems in the human body on a largely non-invasive basis. The programme concentrated almost exclusively on the fundamental science, thereby contributing to:

More recently, ESA has undertaken two very successful missions to the Russian space station MIR, where a broad programme of human-physiology research has been performed. Cardiopulmonary, endocrine, musculo-skeletal as well as radiation effects were the main research topics, as well as a general investigation into the question of metabolism, energy turnover, as also related to the countermeasures programme. During 1996, the Life and Microgravity Sciences Spacelab (LMS) mission was successfully flown with an ESA facility, the Torque Velocity Dynamometer (TVD), for research into muscle physiology.

Numerous biological experiment facilities have been developed over the past years by ESA, including Biorack, Biobox and Biopan, enabling biological experiments to be executed on a diversity of carriers such as the US Space Shuttle, Russian retrievable satellites and sounding rockets. As a result, a broad range of flight durations have been offered.

The space-biology programme concentrates on fundamental science in the area of gravitational biology (in general terms: what happens to living organisms in the absence of gravity). This has:

In addition radiation biology, exobiology and chemical evolution have been addressed.

Research focus for Human Physiology

The following major topics have been recommended as focii in future research. The recommendations are based primarily on previous results published in refereed journals of high repute, and which hold the promise of yielding the expected progress in the field concerned.

The MAC recommendation on research priorities and those made by the workshops organised by the International Strategic Planning Working Group are the following:

In the field of Human Physiology:

Musculo-skeletal system: Impairment of muscle structure and function; mechanisms of bone remodelling and decalcification.

Finally, the mechano-receptor question seems to be central to the current scientific discussion.

Cardiovascular function: Ventricular performance; regulation of blood pressure and volume.

Fluid balance and kidney function: Endocrine components; regional interstitial fluid dynamics.

Respiratory function: Ventilation / perfusion ratios; chest wall mechanics.

Sensory-motor function: Otolith organ; multi-sensory integration and neuronal adaptation; space adaptation syndrome.

Hormones and metabolism: Ca++ homeostasis; energy expenditure; stress.

Research focus for Space Biology

ESA has identified a list of topics in space biology that serve as research foci:

Regulatory mechanisms and proliferation and differentiation at the cellular level: Particular relevance to osteobiology, neurobiology, immunology, gametogenesis; the role of the cytoskeleton.

Early developmental events

Radiation damage in tissues, cells and sub-cellular components

Perception and signal transduction in tropisms and taxes

Exobiology and chemical evolution: survival of micro-organisms in space; space dust analysis, processing of organics

Microgravity effects in cells: biological or physical/chemical changes ?

Potential new research topics.


Investigators are encouraged to search the normal channels to obtain the relevant literature for their proposals. In addition, a number of ESA-issued publications provide some accumulated information on space missions and their scientific results, for details see References Section.

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Published December 1996.
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