ESA title
The MSG-1 satellite

Weather forecasting and climate change : Meteosat seminar for journalists in Cannes

21/06/2002 5327 views 0 likes
ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Meteorological missions / Meteosat

ESA PR 46-2002. About 25 years after the first Meteosat weather satellite, the first of the second generation (MSG-1) is to be launched in August. With sophisticated new instruments on board, MSG-1 will change the way we observe the weather.

MSG-1 has been developed by the European Space Agency, ESA, and built by Alcatel Space Industries in Cannes. To help them understand its advanced technology, ESA is offering the media an opportunity to enhance their knowledge about meteorology in general, forecasting techniques and the satellite's specifics.

Media representatives are invited to Cannes in France for a seminar on 3 July. The new satellite can be seen in its clean-room environment, and scientists, engineers and mission experts will give thorough briefings on meteorology, forecasting techniques and climate research.

The seminar will provide plenty of background information about weather and climate processes. Filming will be allowed and experts from ESA and Alcatel Space will be available for interviews.

Representatives of the media wishing to attend this seminar are kindly requested to complete and return the accreditation form.

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