ESA title
Enabling & Support

New look for Launchers' site

10/05/2004 345 views 0 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Transportation

Frequent visitors to this site will notice a new look. The aim is to make it more attractive and - more important still - to keep visitors up-to-date with launcher developments and the exciting changes at Europe’s Spaceport.

The section devoted to the Spaceport has a new animated feature to enable visitors to gain some idea of what the Spaceport looks like and what goes on there. On Overview is a map of the site as well as information about the many preparation buildings.

The future looks bright for launchers. Later this year the new Ariane ECA will liftoff and 2005 will see the new Ariane 5 ES-ATV launch ESA’s Automated Transfer Vehicle on its way to the International Space Station. In 2006 Europe’s Spaceport will be even busier as Vega, ESA’s new small launcher, will commence operations and the Russian Soyuz launcher will make its first flight into space from French Guiana.

Would you like to attend some of these historic events? With the help of the information in Attend a launch and Information for visitors you can start planning now.

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