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ESA Council Meeting at ministerial level: Paris 27 May 2003

14/05/2003 295 views 0 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA

ESA PR 29-2003. The ninth ESA Council meeting at ministerial level will take place on Tuesday 27 May 2003 at ESA Head Office, 8-10, rue Mario Nikis, 75015-Paris, France.

Tentative Press Programme

07h30: Accreditation starts at Press Centre

Note: A badge will be handed out for access to the Press Centre. Please take good care of your badge. It is the only valid credential for access to the Press Centre. Always wear your badges and carry personal identification documents on the conference premises.

08h30: Arrival of Ministers and Delegates
09h00: Opening of the meeting in the main Conference Room
13h00: t.b.c. Press point at the Press Centre
Lunch break
14h30: Photo opportunity at ESA
15h00: Meeting resumes
Time t.b.d.: End of meeting and final Press Conference in the Conference Room A
20h00: Press Centre closes

Special locations will be available for TV/radio interviews. All requests for interviews should be addressed to the ESA Communication office at the Press Centre.

The ESA TV service will broadcast the press conference as well as the press briefing given to the media in Paris. The transmission schedule, and the satellite details, will be posted in the ESA TV Website, about three days before the Conference.

For accreditation, please fill in the attached form and fax it back to:

ESA Communication Department, Media Relations Service
Paris, France
Fax: +33(0)

For further information, please contact:

ESA Media Relations Service
Tel: +33(0)1.5369.7155
Fax: +33(0)1.5369.7690

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