ESA title

The mission

XMM-Newton is detecting X-ray sources and helping to solve many cosmic mysteries of the violent Universe, from what happens in and around black holes to the formation of galaxies in the early Universe.

The launch

  • Launch: 10 December 1999
  • Launch location: Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana
  • Launch vehicle: Ariane 5
  • Orbit: highly elliptical around Earth


  • Science & Exploration

    The dynamic behaviour of a black hole corona

    20/01/2020 15575 views 139 likes
    Open item
    The dynamic behaviour of a black hole corona
  • Science & Exploration

    XMM-Newton captured dust rings from gamma-ray burst 221009A

    28/03/2023 1424 views 36 likes
    Open item

XMM-Newton overview