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Terms and conditions of use of images and videos available on the esa website

The website of the European Space Agency (the ESA Website) provides to users an online access to space images and videos for education, editorial and/or information purposes only. All other uses (e.g. commercial ones) are excluded and require a specific licence.

Please note: all images and videos available on the ESA Website are protected by copyright. and owned or controlled by ESA and/or third-parties. Some of these images and videos are fully owned by ESA, others are jointly owned by ESA together with third-parties or fully owned by third-parties, as indicated in the copyright notice or in the videos’ end-credits.

Any use of images and videos available on the ESA Website is subject to the terms and conditions detailed hereunder:

Educational, editorial and/or informational use of images and videos available on the ESA Website

Images and videos available on the ESA Website can be used, reproduced, broadcasted and publicly performed for educational, editorial or informational purposes (e.g. to illustrate press articles, scientific publications, space related exhibitions, documentaries, news programmes, informational or educational videos for VOD services or social media, school textbooks and other educational materials, etc.), free of charge and without requesting a separate authorisation from ESA, 

on the following conditions:

(i) You must always credit the ESA copyright - ©ESA
For images: always credit the copyright (plus the illustrator’s or photographer’s name, if specified) when using the images. (Examples: Photo: ©ESA; Photo: ESA/Cluster; Image: ESA/NASA - SOHO/LASCO)
For videos: always credit the copyright in an appropriate on-screen space or in the end credits (Examples: "European Space Agency - ESA").

(ii) Non-ESA copyright: please contact the designated copyright holder
In case of images or videos contained on the ESA Website that are not ESA copyrighted but belong to other copyright holders, as indicated in the copyright notice or in the videos’ end-credits, their separate written approval might be necessary. Please contact the designated copyright holder.

(iii) No endorsement/misleading use
Images and videos available on the ESA Website, and adaptations thereof, shall not be used in any way that could state or imply the endorsement by ESA and/or ESA staff of any commercial product, process or service, ideology, religion, political doctrine or party, or in association with topics incompatibles with the role of ESA (such as, but not limited to, alcohol, violence, drugs, tobacco, gambling, adult content, etc.) or in any other manner that could be detrimental to the role and reputation of ESA as an intergovernmental organisation.

(iv) Images and videos licensed under a Creative Commons Licence
Some images or videos available on the ESA Website are licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO) licence. Such images or videos shall be used in accordance with the terms and conditions of such licence available at

(v) Commercial use of Images and videos available on the ESA Website
Images or videos available on the ESA Website shall not be used for a commercial purpose, such as but not limited to, entertainment, advertisement, merchandising, etc. A commercial use requires a separate written authorisation by ESA.

For any question concerning the use of images and videos available on the ESA Website for informational, editorial or educational purposes, please contact us:

- for videos you can address ESA video distribution team
- for images you can address ESA image distribution team

For any question concerning the use of images and videos available on the ESA Website for any commercial purpose, you can address ESA partnerships team in:


ESA provides no warranties with respect to the images and videos available on the ESA Website, and in particular with regards to them being suitable for your purpose.

Nothing herein shall be construed as an authorisation from ESA to you, on behalf of any third-party, to use the images and videos available on the ESA website owned by third parties without their prior authorisation.

ESA assumes no liability in respect of the use of any images and videos available on the ESA Website, does not grant any exclusive right to the users and does not indemnify, hold harmless, nor release users from copyright infringement.

Neither ESA nor any other party involved in creating, producing or delivering the images and videos shall be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of the users' access to, or use of, the images and videos provided on the ESA Website.

Use of the ESA logo

The ESA logo is owned by ESA and protected under Article 6ter of the ‘Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property’. You may not modify or create derivatives of the ESA logo. Any use, reproduction, publication, display, making available to the public or exploitation of the ESA logo requires ESA’s prior written authorisation. For more information, visit the ESA Brand Centre at

Additional terms

Without any prejudice to ESA’s status as an international intergovernmental organisation, these terms and conditions shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of France. Any dispute arising out of, or in connection with these terms and conditions that cannot be settled amicably within thirty days from the notification of the dispute by one party to the other shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one arbitrator appointed in accordance with the said Rules. The language of arbitration shall be English. The place of arbitration shall be Paris, France.

Last updated on 18 January 2024