ESA title
The Fly a Rocket! team!

Cycle 01 of the Fly A Rocket! programme

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ESA / Education / Fly A Rocket!

The 2nd cycle of the Fly a rocket! Programme took place between November 2018 and April 2019. 23 students, representing 12 ESA Member States and Canada, participated in an intense online course and then built, tested and launched their rocket into the troposphere.

The launch campaign took place between 7–13 April 2019 from the Andoya Space Centre, and was supported by NAROM (The Norwegian Centre for Space related Education - now known as Andøya Space Education), the Andoya Space Centre Staff and ESA’s Education office. 

The rocket, named “Ballistic Re-entry Experiments into the Troposphere”, was launched at 11:53 on the 11thof April after a few short delays and reached an apogee of approximately 8km before splashing down safely a few kilometres off the coast.