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How many opportunities does ESA propose to you?

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ESA / About Us / Business with ESA / Business Opportunities

Each year, the majority of ESA's budget is spent on contracts within the Member and Associated States. In all these contracts, ESA, acting as customer, awards procurement contracts to industry and research and development organisations.

For instance during the year 2021, ESA committed 1,756 contracts signed directly with a contractor:

428 had a total value between 0 and 100 K€
314 had a total value between 100 K€ and 200 K€
455 had a total value between 200 K€ and 500 K€
514 had a total value between 500 K€ and 10,000 K€
45 had a total value larger than 10,000 k€

In many of these direct contracts, different entities acted as subcontractors and of these 676 subcontracts:

202 had a total value between 0 and 100 K€
160 had a total value between 100 K€ and 200 K€
171 had a total value between 200 K€ and 500 K€
132 had a total value between 500 K€ and 10,000 K€
11 had a total value larger than 10,000 k€

In total, these contracts represented a total value of €2.52 billion within the following domains:

ESA's average spend on contracts in 2021
ESA's average spend on contracts in 2021