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Opening GSEW@Italy

Building cybersecurity at the Global Space Economic Workshop

30/05/2018 688 views 4 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA / Global Space Economic Forum

On 24 May, a Community of Innovators discussed Space Cybersecurity for Mobility at the Global Space Economic Workshop in Brindisi, Italy. 

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Industrial panel session
Industrial panel session

A space cybersecurity programme focused on transportation technologies is necessary at European level. This workshop, promoted by Italian authorities, will help to consolidate joint understanding of future space cybersecurity scenarios, and to draw up a strategy, an action plan, and a roadmap for implementation.

The event began with panel discussions followed by inspirational talks and presentations by high-profile speakers. During the afternoon, participants formed groups to exchange ideas on the main issues of cybersecurity and mobility with focus on automotive, railways, aviation, maritime sectors and their infrastructure. At the end of the session each focus group presented their conclusions.

Working groups
Working groups

An industrial cooperation was proposed at the end of the working table session involving participants of the automotive working group – Thales Secure Communication, Telespazio and a car manufacturer are among the originators.

They proposed a project of collaboration to be submitted to ESA and the European Defence Agency. The project aims to standardise and test space cybersecurity technologies to ensure secure operations on smart roads as well as on connected vehicles  on the battle field.  

The outcomes of this event will be further presented during the Global Space Economic Forum on 10 October at ESA ESTEC in the Netherlands, along with the conclusions of two other GSEW events that will take place in France on 31 May co-organised by France's CNES space agency and Kedge Business and Design School on Habitat in Space, and in the UK on 18 July at ESA ECSAT discussing the future of materials, jointly organised by UKSA and the UK company Metalisys, sponsor of the ESA Grand Challenge.