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Brindisi, Italy

Join the GSEW Community of Innovation on 24 May

07/02/2018 884 views 6 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA / Global Space Economic Forum

Following the Global Space Economic Workshop in Paris last year, several participants expressed an interest in hosting future Global Space Economic Workshops.

As a result, ESA is now offering the opportunity to do exactly this, fostering innovation and enlarging the community of innovators.

The first follow-up proposal came from the Aerospace Technological District of Apulia (DTA), a public–private consortium of aerospace industries, regional universities, and public and private research centres of Puglia. They are also supported by Italian Space Agency (ASI) in this initiative.

DTA has strong industrial capabilities ranging from minisatellite to Earth observation applications.  In cooperation with major actors in Italy and Europe they are designing and developing a test range dedicated to remote-piloted aircrafts and their integration with space-based technologies.

On 24 May, the Community of Innovators will move to Brindisi, a city in the region of Apulia in southern Italy, on the coast of the Adriatic Sea.

DTA is hosting a Global Space Economic Workshop focused on cybersecurity and mobility.

Global Space Economic Workshop
Global Space Economic Workshop

Participants from institutional and commercial parties, the communities and actors in the domain of autonomous vehicles and the cybersecurity community will meet to discuss future trends and possible policies for cybersecurity and mobility, one of the topics discussed during the Global Space Economic Workshop in Paris in October last year.

Space services supporting transportation system is constantly evolving, becoming one of the pillars of the space economy.

Space services in Navigation, Earth Observation and Telecommunications represent an essential technology for different sectors of transportation systems for land, marine and aviation.

These technologies have become so fundamental to our daily lives that protection from cybercrime threats takes priority. Cybercrime is holding back useful commercialisation and utilisation of these technologies. In recent years, significant investments in cybersecurity have become necessary.

Space systems are exposed to this risk due to the interconnections between command-control infrastructures and data distribution.

Furthermore, space systems may represent a target, but they can also be used by criminals as a vehicle for cyber attacks.

This situation inhibits the development of space systems from a 4.0 perspective, breaking the virtuous circle fostered by space economy. A cyber-security programme focused on transportation technologies is necessary at European level.

The workshop, promoted by Italian authorities, will help to consolidate joint understanding of future space cyber-security scenarios, and to draw up a strategy, action plan and roadmap for implementation.

The event will follow the same format as ESA’s Global Space Economic Workshop in Paris, structured in different sections: panel discussions, an inspirational talk session and the working group session.

The venue and the agenda will be circulated by the end of this month.

Further information about GSEW events will be communicated during the coming weeks.

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