ESA title

Opening of the new esa-p Supplier Portal

22/03/2010 1568 views 0 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA

The new esa-p Supplier Portal will open to suppliers on Monday March 22nd at 14:00.

ESA has delayed this opening so as to minimise as far as possible potential problems for suppliers as they begin to adopt the system. Initial system start-up will bring typical issues and ESA is counting on the cooperation of its suppliers to assist it in rapidly communicating any problems encountered and thereby helping us to ensure that the new system runs smoothly as early as possible.

In the event that suppliers should be prevented from invoicing in the coming weeks, due to eventual technical reasons, they will be able to do so through an off-system procedure by following the instructions available in the esa-p Supplier Portal.

ESA has strengthened its support teams so as to respond to the needs of suppliers when the supplier portal goes live. ESA is taking every possible step to ensure smooth operation of the system as quickly as possible.

ESA counts very much on your understanding and collaboration to make esa-p a success for all of us and contribute to further improved supplier-interaction with ESA.

Yours sincerely,

Ludwig Kronthaler
Director of Resources and Industrial Matters

Gaele Winters
Director of Operations and Infrastructure

Detailed information on the new system can be found here.

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