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ISD2006 Presentations

19/06/2006 1082 views 0 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA / Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

Below is the final ISD2006 Conference Programme with presentations available for downloading.

1. OPENING SPEECHES (29/05/2006 – 10.30/12.30)

Chairman: Jean-Jacques Dordain, ESA


10.30-11.00 Opening Speech
Jean-Jacques Dordain, ESA Director General
11.00-11.30 The Elaboration of European Space Policy
Françoise Le Bail, EC Deputy DG Enterprise and Industry
11.30-12.00 Industry Vision
Pascale Sourisse, President of Eurospace
12.00-12.30 The 2006 Industry Space Days & Logistic Issues
Michel COurtois, ESA Technical and Quality Management Director

2. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (29/05/2006 – 14.00/17.30)

Chairman: Ralph Bierett, ESA


14.00-15.30 Business opportunities from EADS
Gilles Maquet, EADS Space
Business opportunities from Alcatel
Pascal Garnero, Alcatel Alenia Space
Business opportunities from Safran
Michel Muszynski, Snecma, Safran Group
15.30-15.45 Galileo opportunities
Vincent Coppiters, Galileo Joint Undertaking
15.45-16.00 Business opportunities of CNES
Pascale Luneau, CNES
16.00-16.20 Break
16.20-16.40 GMES Programme opportunities
Josef Aschbacher, ESA
16.40-17.00 ESA Telecom programme opportunities
Magali Vaissiére, ESA
17.00-17.30 ESA Research & Technology programmes opportunities
Eike Kircher, ESA

3. SME COACHING (29/05/2006 – 17.30/19.00)

Chairman: Siemon Smid, INBIS Ltd, Assystem Group


17.30-17.50 Type of SMEs needed as partner
Klaus Hillerich, EADS Space
17.50-18.20 Best practices when meeting Large Groups
Micheal Phelan, Duolog Technologies
Best practices when meeting Large Groups
Francisco Colaço
18.20-18.30 Do's and the don't during business meetings
Siemon Smid, INBIS Ltd, Assystem Group
18.30-19.00 Questions and Answers

4. R&D: SYNERGY ACROSS THE SECTORS (30/05/2006 – 10.30/12.30)

Chairman: Michel Courtois, ESA


10.30-11.00 ESA technology programmes
Marco Guglielmi, ESA
11.00-11.30 Examples of technology that can be used across different industrial sectors

5. SINEQUANET WORKSHOP (30/05/2006 – 16.00/18.30)

Chairman: Joachim Ball, EC DG RTD


16.00-16.30 Sinequanet objectives
Nora Bougharouat, ESA
16.30-17.00 Case Studies
17.00-17.15 Needs of an SME: Imagine Optic
Rafael Porcar Guenezec, Imagine Optic
17.15-17.45 ESA Technical Facilities
Jeorg Wehner, ESA
17.45-18.00 Technical Experts Candidate
Inma Uzkudun, Fatronik
18.00-18.30 Questions and Answers

6. BUSINESS WITH ESA (31/05/2006 – 10.30/12.30)

Chairman: Eric Morel de Westgraver, ESA
Moderator: Alain Gaubert, Eurospace


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