ESA title
LOSTESC Programme supports innovative Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

LOSTESC companies prepare for September deadline

21/08/2001 268 views 0 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA / Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

Of the 23 projects selected by the LOSTESC consortium, 20 will be submitted to the European Commission for funding by 19 September. There is still time, however, for companies wishing to be considered as partners in one of the projects to apply.

The LOSTESC (Leveraging on Space Technologies to enhance SME Competitiveness) programme is co-funded by the European Space Agency, the European Commission (EC) and six business consultancy companies. It aims to promote the technological skills of innovative European small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) and to help them create new business opportunities, both at European and global level.

At the LOSTESC project selection meeting, which took place at the end of March, the 23 most promising research and technology development projects were selected, three of which have already been submitted to the EC. In addition to these 23 projects, a further 18 projects have been put in a reserve list for a possible second LOSTESC round at a later date.

The selected projects are distributed between the six LOSTESC countries as follows:


  • Austria: 2 projects
  • Belgium: 4 projects
  • France: 6 projects
  • Italy: 6 projects
  • Portugal: 2 projects
  • Spain: 3 projects

Each of these projects will be carried out by a consortium of SME companies with one company, preferably from one of the six LOSTESC countries of Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal and Spain, acting as project coordinator. However, SMEs from any EU Member State as well from an Associated State, can participate as a partner in one of the 20 projects.

Although partners have been found for most of the projects, the LOSTESC Consortium is still looking for additional SMEs interested in taking part in this initiative. Further details on SME criteria and eligible countries can be obtained from the site of the EC Cooperative Research (CRAFT) Programme.

In addition a special Partner Search Form has been prepared by ESA specifying the type of partners requested. More information on the 23 projects selected together with this form can be found in the LOSTESC Newsletter or from:

Tiziana Pagano, Technofi, LOSTESC Front Desk
Tel: +33 493 65 34 44
Fax: +33 493 65 27 16

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