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Sinequanet to supports SMEs

Next SineQuaNet workshop to be held in London

30/11/2006 520 views 0 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA / Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

On 8 December ESA’s SME Unit will hold a Sinequanet workshop in London to enable representatives of industry and other space actors to discuss critical issues relative to support for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in the space sector.

Professionals from more than 100 European enterprises, research institutes and space industry support organisations will attend this, the second of four workshops designed to reinforce mutual understanding of the means and methods by which SineQuaNet (Space Intelligence, Engineering and Quality Network) can effectively build and deliver support of highest relevance to SMEs.

The first workshop took place on 30 May 2006 in the Netherlands, with the 2nd workshop in London, and two more held respectively in Germany (hosted by ESA’s Space Operations Centre, Darmstad, February 2007), and in Italy (hosted by ESA’s Earth Observation Centre, Frascati, March 2007). During the workshops, participants are able to discuss their expectations on how SineQuaNet can best facilitate and organise access by SMEs to the various support services they require, encompassing hands-on expertise, training and access to technical facilities.

Sinequanet was launched in November 2005 by ESA, with support from the European Commission, to act as a genuine structuring mechanism focused on technical and engineering support. It is targeted at European and Canadian SMEs already operating in, or wanting to enter, the space sector.

The network aims to organise, structure and improve SME’s access to technical facilities, expert support and training services. Although these are already available within the space sector from large organisations, systems integrators, and research institutes, a wide range of SMEs remain impeded from access to resources of this kind.

A dedicated expert database of available resources will be setup through which all entities - whether SMEs, large groups, universities or laboratories - can offer the services of their own experts, or the use of technical facilities and laboratories, on a fair compensation basis. In this way, the service providers will benefit from a more profitable use of their experts as well as a better return on investment in their facilities.

Sinequanet is now in its first phase of defining and setting up its activities. These are:

  • establishing the needs of SMEs for hands-on expertise, training and access to facilities for testing and calibration of new technologies and systems
  • testing the Sinequanet concept by providing actual support to two SMEs
  • creating a database containing sources of expertise and suppliers of facilities and services
  • creating a dedicated website as a communication and information tool for SMEs within the space sector
  • holding a series of workshop meetings at various locations throughout Europe, where SMEs and other industrial partners can meet to exchange views and refine the objectives of SineQuaNet.

The workshop on 8 December will take place at the Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET), Savoy Place, London, United Kingdom.

The SineQuaNet (Space INtelligence, Engineering & QUAlity NETwork) project is run by ESA’s SME Unit, with support from the European Commission’s 6th Framework Programme, Economic & Technology Intelligence.

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