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Galileo constellation

Open Call for proposals for ESA’s Navigation Innovation and Support Programme

05/04/2017 2460 views 3 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA / Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

ESA’s first Open Call for proposals for its new Navigation Innovation and Support Programme (NAVISP) concerns Element 2 which is focused on industrial competitiveness. Interesting funding conditions are foreseen for SMEs.

NAVISP is the new satnav technology and innovation research programme, managed by ESA’s Galileo Programme and Navigation Related Activities directorate. It received strong backing during the December 2016 Council at Ministerial level.

This call for proposals aims to foster the development of innovative and competitive products in the Satellite Navigation and the wider Positioning Navigation and Timing (PNT) technologies and services domain. The goal is to boost European industry in this highly competitive and rapidly evolving global market.

Proposals are welcomed from space and non-space companies, large and small enterprises and start-ups. Proposed products can address the satellite segment, ground infrastructure and user segment including applications and services.

In the framework of the Call, ESA has chosen a cost co-funding approach whereby costs related to the proposed activity shall not exceed 50%. However, for SMEs this number can increase up to 80%.

Full details about the Open Call, including the tendering process, funding arrangement and conditions for eligibility, are available on the Agency’s Electronic Mail Invitation to Tender System (EMITS: under AO/1-8927/17/NL/MM)

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