ESA title
Space for a Green Future

Tighter controls on hazardous chemicals to impact space industry

30/08/2022 6868 views 28 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA

Revision to practices on the authorisation and restriction of hazardous chemicals in the EU and the new ‘Essential Use’ concept are set to further impact space programmes, the space sector and its supply chains.

Manufacturers and users of hazardous chemicals are bound under EU chemical legislation including the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals) Regulation and the Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation.

REACH regulation revision comes under the European Commission's Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability as part of the Green Deal to achieve carbon neutrality for Europe by 2050.

The tightening of REACH regulations will include new data requirements, use restrictions and comprehensive regulation of groups of substances with certain properties, as well as the incorporation of new hazard classes in the CLP Regulation.

Free one-day workshop at ESA

On Tuesday 18 October, ESA will hold its fourth workshop on REACH at its Headquarters in Paris, France, with an option to join online via webex.

This interactive full-day event (9:30–16:00 CET) will explain and discuss the current state of play, challenges and risks associated with these EU chemicals regulations (mainly REACH/CLP) with experts from European space agencies, regulators and industry.

ESA invites interested stakeholders from space agencies and industry, other sectors and representatives from the European Commission, the European Chemicals Agency, the European Parliament and Member States.

Register now to take part in this event.

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