ESA title
The House of the People in Bucharest, Romania

Workshop on European space industry in Bucharest

06/05/2004 1791 views 0 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA

ESA will present the current situation of European space industry to Romanian industry and institutes, at a workshop in Bucharest, Romania, from 11-12 May.

This is an opportunity for the Romanian industry to gain insight in ESA programmes and receive advice on how to participate in European space activities.

Romania already has a framework cooperation agreement with ESA through the Romanian Space Agency (ROSA). Since 1999, the Romanian Government has indicated its intention to strengthen its relationship with ESA with a view to eventual accession to the ESA Convention.

This stronger relationship implies an opportunity for Romanian companies and institutes to increase their participation in the Agency’s programmes. In turn, this could lead to a greater involvement in other space markets.


The workshop will present issues and trends in the commercial and institutional space markets at world and European level, from equipment suppliers to end-users. This should provide a road map for how to build competitive and sustainable space activities in Romania using ESA programmes as a key element in this process.

To support Romanian industry and institutes to better define their niches and potential European partners, a recent mapping of the competencies of more than 170 companies in ESA Member States and Canada, will be presented.

An independent assessment of Romania’s industrial and research capacities is currently being carried out by the French firms Bertin Technologies and Euroconsult and the Romanian partner CRUTA. CRUTA, a Romanian laboratory specialising in space applications, has more than 10 years' experience of working at European level with government organizations and companies. This assessment will assist Romania and ESA to define the most appropriate industrial space policy for future space activities.

The May workshop complements this activity and provides Romanian companies and research institutes with an opportunity to discuss their specific capabilities with ESA.

For more details, please see the workshop programme.

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