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ESA Careers Highlights 2023

A year with ESA Careers: our 2023 highlights

19/12/2023 3961 views 17 likes
ESA / About Us / Careers at ESA

As 2023 draws to a close, we are looking back at the stories, campaigns and features that marked our ESA Career News, shared on our very own newsletter on LinkedIn. Ready to unlock your talent for space? Subscribe here and be part of the ESA Careers world as we look forward to sharing our endeavours with you in 2024! 


ESRIN: ESA's Eye on Earth

Welcome to ESRIN, the European centre of excellence for exploitation of Earth observation missions. From this establishment in Frascati, Italy, the mission and payload operations of ESA's Earth observation satellites are managed. ESRIN is the primary source for the acquisition, distribution and exploitation of data from these and other non-ESA satellites and is also home to our space transportation teams working on Vega and Space Rider. In addition, ESRIN designs and develops all ESA-wide software for corporate applications and is responsible for developing security measures for classified space programmes. Check out the heart of Earth observation at ESA.

Apply for the 2023 YGT Programme!

Every year in February, we launch the call for applications for the ESA YGT Programme, a unique opportunity for Master's graduates to kick-start their career in space. “With over 100 YGT positions available to apply to – across a variety of disciplines – there is a path to space for everyone!” says Andrew Kane, ESA Entry-Level Programmes Coordinator. With the 2024 selection coming up soon, find out more about this exceptional entry-level opportunity.

Lucy van der Tas, ESA Head of Talent Acquisition
Lucy van der Tas, ESA Head of Talent Acquisition

ESA recruits – and not only astronauts!

In 2023, we announced the recruitment of over 300 new colleagues to join our teams and support our mission of the peaceful exploration and use of space for the benefit of everyone. Lucy van der Tas, Head of Talent Acquisition at ESA, participated in an interview in which she shared her expert insight into this campaign. Read her interview here.

ESAC: ESA's window on the Universe

The European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) is the home of ESA’s astronomy, planetary and solar/heliospheric missions. Located near Madrid, Spain, ESAC is where all ESA’s science missions are conducted and the resulting data is calibrated, processed, stored and distributed. Learn more about ESAC's scientific activities with Jan Reerink, Head of the Data Science Section.

SImonetta Cheli, Director of Earth Observation Programmes at ESA
SImonetta Cheli, Director of Earth Observation Programmes at ESA

Observing the Earth from above: ESA Earth Observation

ESA has been dedicated to observing Earth from space ever since the launch of its first Meteosat weather satellite back in 1977. Thanks to the launch of a range of satellites over the last 40 years, we are better placed to understand the complexities of our planet, particularly with respect to global change. We interviewed Simonetta Cheli, Director of Earth Observation Programmes at ESA, who shared with us the activities and missions, job opportunities and future prospects for this domain.

ESA Human Resources Advisors
ESA Human Resources Advisors

Explore ESA’s Directorate of Technology, Engineering and Quality (TEC) with our Human Resources Advisors

Often when a new ESA mission is envisioned, the technology that will make it possible does not exist – yet. It is the job of ESA’s Directorate of Technology, Engineering and Quality (TEC) to identify the required enabling innovations, make them a reality and bring them up to the necessary level of performance and reliability (called Technology Readiness Level or TRL) so that the right technology is ready at just the right time. Let us guide you through the opportunities and challenges in TEC with ESA’s Human Resources Advisors, Matija Grgurinovic, Louise Couvreur and Florent Confort. Click here for their interview.

Géraldine Naja, Director of Commercialisation, Industry and Competitiveness at ESA
Géraldine Naja, Director of Commercialisation, Industry and Competitiveness at ESA

ESA Commercialisation: from ideas to business success

ESA’s Directorate of Commercialisation, Industry and Competitiveness (previously Commercialisation, Industry and Procurement) works with all directorates at ESA to help deliver new commercialisation opportunities in European space, thereby increasing the competitiveness of Europe’s space economy and bringing socio-economic benefits to European citizens. Géraldine Naja, Director of Commercialisation, Industry and Competitiveness at ESA, told us more about ESA’s commercialisation endeavours.

Victoria Grinberg, Liaison Scientist at ESA
Victoria Grinberg, Liaison Scientist at ESA

Research Fellowships in Space Science

Research Fellowships in Space Science offer the opportunity to contribute to ESA's endeavour to explore our Solar System and the Universe in the fields of heliophysics, planetary science, astrophysics and fundamental physics. Applications for these fellowships open in August each year and for the 2023 selection, we asked Victoria Grinberg, former Research Fellow and current Liaison Scientist at ESA, for the inside scoop on these opportunities. Click here to read her interview.

Carole Mundell, Director of Science at ESA
Carole Mundell, Director of Science at ESA

ESA Directorate of Science: unveiling the mysteries of the Universe

Let’s dive in right to the heart of science at ESA with Professor Carole Mundell, who joined ESA as Director of Science in March 2023. Professor Mundell gives us an insight into the fascinating work of ESA’s Directorate of Science and the extraordinary missions it will launch in the future and explains how her role fits into all this mind-boggling activity.

Launch your career with the ESA Internship Programme!

Last November we launched the 2024 internship opportunities at ESA, which included positions in engineering, science, IT, natural/social sciences, economics and business and administration services. Andrew Kane, ESA Entry-Level Programmes Coordinator, guides you through the programme, recruitment process and much more.

Ready for 2024?

New vacancies continue to be published as we push forward in our search for talented and motivated professionals to join our teams across Europe. Could ESA be the next step in your career?

Find your path at ESA

ESA offers a number of entry-level programmes targeting students (Master or PhD), recent graduates and young professionals alongside its vacancies for experienced professionals. One of them could be your path to space! Quickly find out which programme could be the best fit for you by following the pathways at ESA on our entry-level flowchart.

We will be back with more insights, updates and opportunities from ESA Careers in 2024 – we hope that you will join us for another extraordinary year!

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