ESA supports Girls' Day 2012
Tomorrow many organisations, research centres and universities in Germany are holding an open day for girls with an aim to promote subjects such as science and engineering.
Girls of all ages are great academic achievers and often take home the highest marks in their class. When it comes to choosing an area of further study however, girls opt for subjects such as natural sciences and engineering much less often than boys. Girls remain consistently underrepresented in industry jobs and it is this that Girls' Day hopes to address.
The ESA Education office nurtures young peoples’ interest in space and technology throughout the year, and once again ESA is supporting Girls' Day in Germany this year. At the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Darmstadt, girls aged 14 to 16 have been invited to participate in two space workshops, to learn about space missions and the career opportunities for women in the Space Agency.
ESA wants to encourage girls to live up to their personal and intellectual abilities and to consider space research and operations as a potential field of work.
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