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“High Level Forum 2013”: Follow-On Meeting & Procurement Reform Lessons Learned, ESTEC, 21-22 October

12/04/2012 1233 views 1 likes
ESA / About Us / Corporate news

Following the“Consultation with Industry” process, with various workshops dealing with a number of important topics, that was organised in 2012 with the goal to simplify and reinforce a mature relationship between ESA and industry, it was decided at the Naples Ministerial Council in November 2012 to put the process of consultation with industry on a permanent footing as a High Level Forum.

The organisation of the High Level Forum (HLF) will more or less follow the successful path of last year. The first HLF took place on the 16TH of May in Cap15 in Paris, France. All the sessions (two/three times per year) will be organised with the help of EUROSPACE.

The subjects selected by the Agency for the first HLF of 16th May stem from the importance of two topics being discussed throughout Europe, namely “An industrial Policy for Europe” and “European Technology Policy for Space”. A number of recommendations were expressed by industry at this event and ESA is in turn proposing concrete actions dealing with these recommendations. This will be the topics for discussion during Day 1 of the Forum. Day 2 will deal with the Lessons Learned from the Procurement Reform.

At this High Level Forum, ESA’s Director General Jean-Jacques Dordain, Directors and ESA experts will meet with Member State delegates and with space industry CEOs and managers to debate the recommendations from industry and the corresponding proposals from ESA stemming from the High Level Forum on May 16 and find ways forward. The results of these discussions will be presented to the ESA Council later this year.

For more information and to register please visit the ESA conference registration site :

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