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Access to financial information via esa-p

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ESA / About Us / Delegations

One of the objectives of the Financial Management Reform implemented at the Agency as of 1 January 2010 is to provide financial information which better responds to the needs of the Member States.

esa-p gives ESA Member States’ accredited representatives and authorised users online access to financial information already contained in the documents issued on eCPB. Compared to eCPB, where financial information is embedded in documents in PDF format, esa-p offers direct access to pre-defined reports, mostly in Excel format, organised in 4 categories: Multi-year planning and control, Funding, Financial Operations and Industrial Return. In addition, whereas documents in eCPB are prepared in view of planned official meetings, on esa-p financial information deriving from financial accounting will eventually be updated more frequently, as the new Financial Management Model foresees monthly closures of financial accounts.

Delegations should ensure that rules on access to the Member States' Portal (see ESA/C(2009)136) are consciously applied and that the list of esa-p user accounts is regularly reviewed and updated. The Head of the Director General's Cabinet is responsible for the overall management of the accreditation process.

esa-p contains an on-line user guide explaining how to navigate in the system, how to establish the relation between reports and official documents and an executive summary of the content of each report. ESA Member States Representatives can access the relevant helpdesk (, tel.: +39 06 941 80700) for queries regarding access and content of the portal.

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