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International Women's Day 2022 - YGTs @ ESA - Marta Bottani

Marta Bottani - YGT in Environmental Effects on Navigation and Propagation

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ESA / About Us / Diversity and Inclusiveness

Tell us about your work experience in ESA so far. What does your role entail?

I started my YGT in November 2021 and I am part of TEC-EFW which involves wave interaction and propagation. My job concerns mostly the modelling of the Ionosphere targeted at precisely estimating the impairments introduced by this atmospheric layer on the propagation of the navigation signals. The overall aim of my project is to ultimately increase the accuracy of the positioning service offered by Galileo. I am also involved in GNSS-Reflectometry which aims at using ground reflected navigation signals to remotely sense the Earth’s surface to extract information concerning ice roughness, wind speeds and more.

What has motivated you to study these subjects?

I have always been extremely fascinated by space and its absence of limits, both physical and discovery-wise. In the past few years, I decided to pursue my studies in a field that allowed me to combine my passion for science and engineering, with social topics, such as sustainability and climate change. Specifically, I believe that space exploration can help us understand more about our own planet and provide us with the mind set and tools to maintain the environment.


What is the most exciting part of your job?

The most exciting part about my job is that I get to work in close contact with professionals in the industry and learn not only technical skills but also how to approach mission planning and development. I particularly enjoy the excitement of working in a stimulating environment and with people holding different backgrounds but still pursuing a common objective.

What advice would you give to girls interested in pursuing a career or studies in STEM?

I think the best way to encourage little girls to pursue a career in STEM is to provide them with the right education. I believe society should abandon the stereotypes that some jobs are for women and some for men and embrace the fact that a job is for whoever has passion and abilities. To a girl interested in the space industry I would say to not let anyone discourage you from your objectives because hard work pays off. Set a goal for yourself and hold on to a role model to help you picture yourself in the future. In the end keep in mind that the science community needs determined and skilled people, regardless of gender.

How do you imagine the future of space exploration?

I think the next few years will be very interesting for the space industry. I believe men will make a big come back on the lunar surface after more than 50 years, and we will see the construction of a true settlement on the Moon to serve as a base for further exploration towards Mars. Such a big step will require the creation of innovation to support the human living conditions in space. Also important will be the recently launched missions, like James Webb, that will provide us with the opportunity to increase our knowledge of life and evolution.  Finally, I think a crucial role will still be held by the Earth Observation Programs, like Copernicus and Biomass, to face the upcoming challenges of climate change and deforestation.