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ECSL Board Election - Candidates 2019

Candidates for the 2019 ECSL Board Members Election - Voting window now open

17/12/2018 3977 views 4 likes
ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law


In 2019 the next ECSL Board Member election will take place for the period 2019 – 2021, and 9 positions on the ECSL Board are to be filled in this election. There are 10 nominated candidates and all ECSL members in good standing for 2018 are invited to vote until the 6th of April. 


The Role and Structure of the ECSL Board

In accordance with the ECSL Charter, the Board will be composed of persons, not more than 10, elected by the General Meeting of members for a period of three years, from the different categories of the Centre's members (academics, practitioners, the Centre's operators, representatives from national administrations and agencies and from industry, as well as students). 

The Board's functions will be to oversee and assist in the running of the Centre, to propose themes for research and workshops, to select among applicants for the award of grants offered by the members and ESA, and to take other steps necessary to achieve the aims of the Centre as set out in Article 2 above. The Board shall elect among its members its chairman and one or two vice-chairmen by a majority vote of all its members. The ESA representative (article 1.1) will automatically be member of the Board and will liaise with the ESA administration.

The Board will meet at least twice a year in principle at the ESA headquarters or at any other place as decided by the Board. Members of the Board will support their own expenses. The Secretariat of the Centre will be assured by a person selected by an ad hoc committee and will hierarchically be placed under the ESA representative.

A General Meeting of members will be convened by the Chairman of the Board in principle every three years, to which the Board will present its report. The General Meeting will examine the orientation of the Centre's activities and questions related to the future of the Centre, it will elect the members of the Board. A General Meeting may be convened by the Chairman of the Board at the request of one third of the members to deal with exceptional matters.

The Board may confer on former chairmen the title of Honorary President of the Centre.

The General Meeting of the Members:

At the General Meeting of the Members on the 24th of April 2019 (PM) at ESA ESTEC in the Netherlands, before the Practitioners' Forum (25th of April) and the Young Lawyers' Symposium (26th of April). At the General Meeting of the Members the results of the 2019 Board Elections will be announced. In addition, the ECSL Chairman and Executives will present a report of the activities of the ECSL. Finally, all ECSL NPoCs will be invited to present a short report about the activities, status and recent news relating to space law and policy in their respective countries.
All members are invited to attend but registration is mandatory, registration and more information is available here:   


The nominated candidates for the 2019 election are as following:


   1. Mrs. Sarah Moens (Belgium)



    2. Mr. Nicholas Puschman (the UK) 



    3. Prof. Christian Bruenner (Austria)


    4. Prof. Armel Kerrest (France)


    5. Prof. Stephan Hobe (Germany) 


    6. Prof. Frans von der Dunk (the Netherlands) 


    7. Prof. Maria-Del-Carmen Munoz Rodriguez (Spain)


    8. Mrs. Jenni Tapio (Finland) 


    9. Prof. Sergio Marchisio (Italy) 


  10. Prof. Philippe Achilleas (France) 



The voting form with submission instructions is available here: 

Please make sure you follow the submission instructions and familiarise yourself with the guideline below. 

Please note only Members in good standing for 2018 are eligible to vote.

For questions: contact the ECSL Secretariat - 









1.1 Only ECSL Members who have fulfilled their annual dues for membership for 2018 are entitled to vote.

1.2 Upon receipt of all complete and eligible nomination forms and supporting documentation, the ECSL Executive Secretary shall draft a list of all nominated candidates, publish online and equally distribute to all Members along with the relevant voting form and instructions by 22th of February 2019. The window for ECSL Members to vote shall thus commence on this same day.

1.3 Each ECSL Member has the right to vote for nine (9) candidates, bearing in mind that each Member may only vote for a maximum of two candidates of the same nationality. It is encouraged to vote for the maximum possible number of candidates in order to encourage broad representation and support.

1.4 Members shall return voting forms to the ECSL Executive Secretary by post, detailed instructions will be outlined in the voting document issued on the 22nd of February. The vote must carry a postal stamp of no later than 6 April 2019 (24.00 CEST). Votes received after this date shall not be taken into account.



2.1 An Election Committee will be formed to verify, count and re-count the votes. The Election Committee will consist of the Executive Secretary and an ESA staff nominated by the ESA Representative to the ECSL Board. The verification and counting of votes will be observed by an ECSL Board Member. 

2.2 A list of candidates will be ranked according to the number of votes each received. The top nine nominees will be elected as Board Members.

2.3 In the event of two candidates having equal votes, an ad hoc election will take place during the General Meeting. If this second voting procedure results in a subsequent equal number of votes, a second round of voting will be held. In the event that the General Meeting cannot come to a decision, the Chairman will appoint the last Board Member bearing in mind the requirement for broad and equal geographical and professional representation.

2.4 In the interests of ensuring broad representation of nationalities on the Board, a maximum of two candidates of the same nationality shall be able to be admitted to the Board. Should more than two candidates of the same nationality be elected, the two candidates who received the highest number of votes shall be elected. In the event that two or more candidates receive the same amount of votes, the procedure outlined in 5.2 above shall be followed.

2.5 The composition of the newly elected Board shall be announced by the Chairman during the General Meeting.

2.6  Upon recommendation of the Board, the Chairman may appoint an ECSL Member to any seat left vacant between two General Meetings.



Timeline of 2019 Election


17th December. 2018 – Call for Board Member Candidates is published online and sent out to Members via email.

31st December 2018 (24.00 CET) Deadline for ECSL members to pay the 2018 Membership fee, which leaves them eligible to run or vote in the 2019 election.

15th  February 2019 (24.00 CET) – Deadline for candidates to submit their application to the ECSL Executive Secretary

22nd February 2019 – The list of candidates and voting forms are distributed online and via email to all members, voting windows open.

6th April 2019 (24.00 CEST) – Deadline for submitting vote. The letter containing the vote must be post stamped by latest this date and time.

24th April 2019 - The composition of the newly elected Board shall be announced by the Chairman during the General Meeting