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Dr. Marco Ferrazzani - Bibliography

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ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law

Last update 15 November 2021 

1. The Legal Framework for the Use of ERS-1 Data : ESA Bulletin No.68 - November 1991, page 104.

2. ESA Data Policy: Session "Legal Aspects of the Use of Satellite Remote Sensing Data in Europe" at the European "International Space Year" Conference 1992, Munich, Germany, 30 March-4 April 1992.

3. Legal Aspects of Satellite Remote Sensing: Japanese "Space" journal, vol.3, No. 4 - April 1992.

4. ESA Data Policy: ECSL Newsletter No. 9 - June 1992.

5. Recent European Regulatory Issues of Communication Satellite Systems: presentation to the Legal Sub-committee of the United Nations' Committee On Peaceful Uses of Outer Space – New York, 31 March, 1993 in Proceedings of the 36th Colloquium of the law of the Outer Space, IISL, Austria 1993, pp. 447-450.

6. Legal issues of Communication Satellites in Low Earth Orbit: Journal of Space Law – Volume 21, Number 1, 1993, page 44.

7. The European distribution system (ERS : International seminar, Strasbourg, 23 June 1993 : "The Law in Relation to Remote Sensing Satellite Techniques for the Benefit of the Environment."Published in Droit, Télédétection et Environment, Actes du Colloque International, SIDES, 1994. page 115.

8. International Agreements and contractual practice for collecting and distributing remote sensing data International seminar, Strasbourg, 23 June 1993: "The Law in Relation to Remote Sensing Satellite Techniques for the Benefit of the Environment". Published in Droit Télédétection et Environment, Actes du Colloque International, SIDES, 1994. page 181.

9. The 32nd session of the UNCOPUOS Legal Sub-Committee: ECSL Newsletter N°12, September 1993.

10. The legal protection of remote sensing satellite data: with W. Thiebaut, ESA Bulletin n°76, November 1993, page 61. 

11. Remote sensing: towards the World Governing of the Environment: International Court of the Environment Foundation (ICEF), IV International Conference, Venice, 3 June 1994.

12. Earth Observation by extra-terrestrials. The European legal framework: The International Bar Association's 25th Biennial Conference, Committee Z on Outer Space, Melbourne, 10 October 1994.

13. The impact of institutional policies on the EO market: 1st International Symposium on "The expansion of the remote sensing market", EOMARK '95, organised by AAAF and EARSC - Paris, 6-8 March 1995.

14. Role and liabilities of space segment operators (GNSS): Conference to examine Legal and Policy interests involved in the implementation of GNSS (ESTEC, 14-15 November 1996). Published by ECSL under title: Regulation of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), page 157.

15. Soft law in space activities: In n Outlook on Space Law over the next thirty years. Published by Kluwer Law International, 1997, page 429. Edited by G. Lafferranderie. 

16. New forms of contributions to ESA optional programmes: In kind Deliveries: ESA Bulletin n 90 - May 1997, page 26.

17. Global Navigation Satellite System: Lecture at ECSL Summer Course, Rovaniemi, August 1997.

18. Satellite Navigation: In “Legal Aspects of Cooperation between ESA and Central and Eastern European Countries”. Proceedings of the International Colloquium, Charles University, Prague, 11-12 September 1997. Published by Kluwer Law International. Pages 137-151.

19. What GNSS will mean for Space Law: ECSL Newsletter N° 17, February 1998, page 4.

20. The European initiatives and programmes for satellite navigation: In Proceedings of the 41st International Colloquium on the Law of outer Space, IISL, 98-IISL.3.01 - Melbourne, Australia, 1 October 1998, p. 159.,%20GPS,%20Space%20Applications%20and%20Space%20Uses/IISL_1998_041_003_001 

21. Le direttive ESA sul telerilevamento: Convegno MILANO-ITALIA 2000: Per una protezione civile moderna ed efficiente. Milano, 23 October 1998.

22. Space practices on the move : International Organisation and Space Law; their role and contributions. Perugia, 6-7 May 1999 – ESA SP 442, June 1999, page 333.

23. European institutional Scenario for GNSS: International Bar Association - Section on Business Law – Outer Space Newsletter, February 2000.

24. Opportunités futures et stratégie de l’Europe dans l’imagerie spatiale : Colloque ‘Image satellites, environnement et droit’. Toulouse, 29 September 2000 - in “Droit et Ville”, IEJUC, n. 51/2001, p. 151.

25. European institutional framework and programmes for Satellite Navigation: Amsterdam IBA 2000 Conference -17-22 September 2000.

26. European institutional framework and programmes for Satellite Navigation – 51st International Astronautical Congress – IAA.3.2.06 - 2/6 October 2000 – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

27. The status of satellite remote sensing in international treaties – In Project 2001 - Legal framework for the commercial use of outer space, p. 179 - Carl Heymanns Verlag KG – Köln, 2001.

28. Le projet européen Galileo, entreprise commerciale ou service public international – Journées d’études de la Société Française pour le Droit International - PEDONE ed., Paris 2003, p. 71.

29. Activité de l’Europe dans les systèmes mondiaux de navigation par satellites (GNSS)° - Atelier International sur le droit spatial, Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale – Rabat – 14/15 février 2002.

30. The legal protection of Remote-Sensing Satellite Data in Europe – In Proceedings of the first international conference on the state of Remote-Sensing Law – University of Mississippi - 18/19 April 2002.

31. Alternative approaches to International Space Cooperation – ESA Bulletin n. 110, May 2002, p. 76.

32. Les programmes de télédétection de l’Agence Spatiale Européenne: opportunités futures de cooperation, Actes du Centre regional de Télédétection des Etats de l’Afrique du Nord – Tunis – 26 September 2002.

33. How to avoid looming Complications for Future Missions and Exploration – Presentation made at COSPAR, Houston – 19 October 2002

34. Bilateral and multilateral cooperation agreements - UN Workshop on Capacity Building in Space Law - The Hague - 18 November 2002 - Published by UN under A/AC.105/802.

35. Legal aspects of Remote Sensing - Lecture at ISU, Strasbourg - 8 January 2002.

36. Cours en droit international des satellites pour les medias - Institut de Recherche et d'Etudes en Droit de l' Information et de la Communication - Aix en Provence - 8-9 March 2004.

37. European Space Programmes for GNSS: EGNOS and GALILEO - 2004 Space law Conference, Beijing, China - 25-27 April 2004

38. La formulation juridique des programmes spatiaux européens - « Le droit des activités spatiales à l’aube du XXléme siècle », Université de Bourgogne, CNRS - Volume 25, LEXIS NEXIS LITEC, 2005.

39. The Policies in remote sensing and the practices of the European Space Agency, 13th European Summer Course on Space Law and Policy, Graz, Austria - 13 September 2004.

40. L'espace et la dualité civile et militaire, Laboratoire de stratégie de l'armement, Paris, France - 10 November 2004.

41. L'action de l’Union Européenne dans le domaine spatial, Les Rendez-vous du CHEAr, Paris, France - 2 December 2004.

42. The 1986 UN Principles and current state practice in Europe, IISL/ECSL Space Law Symposium 2005, Office for Outer Space Affairs, Vienna, Austria - 4 April 2005.

43. Recenti sviluppi giuridici nei programmi spaziali europei : GALILEO, University of Latina, Italy - June 2006

44. L’Europe institutionnelle observe la Terre depuis l’espace, Droit de l’espace, Editions Larcier, 2009. Pages 165-178.

45. Early experiences and schemes of Public-Private Partnerships in European space programmes, Toulouse Space Show ’10, Toulouse, France – 8/10 June 2010.

46. Preliminary considerations on the European preparatory programme on Space Situational Awareness, 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, Czech Republic – 27 September/1 October 2010

47.          Recent legal developments of GNSS in Europe, 62nd International Astronautical Congress, Cape Town, South Africa – 3/7 October 2011.

48.          Regulatory framework for the UAS: Space laws applicable to UAS activities, presented at EUROCONTROL, Brussels, Belgium – 16 November 2011.

49.           Soft Law in Space Activities – An updated view, Soft Law in Outer Space - The Function of Non-binding Norms in International Space Law, Böhlau Verlag, Wien, Köln, Graz, 2012. Pages 99-117.

50.          The WRC-12 results from the ESA perspective, International regulation of space communications, results of the World Radio Conference 2012. Workshop University of Luxembourg 24 / 25 May 2012.

51.           Jurisdiction and control at sea: the case of evidence from satellites, 1st MARSAFENET Plenary Conference, 6 June 2013, ROME.

52.           L’ESA: Strumento delle Politiche Spaziali Nazionali ed Europea in Spazio e Diritto Internazionale, Informazioni della Difesa, 6/2014.

53.       Jurisdiction and control at sea: the case of evidence from satellites, 24th UN/IAF Workshop on “Space Technology for Socio-Economic Benefits”, 27 September 2014, Toronto, Canada.

54.   A European perspective on lessons learned from the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) on International Space Station (ISS) cooperation, 65th IAC, 2 October 2014, Toronto, Canada.

55.       Experiences from and Prospects for the ESA Convention, ZLW, German Journal of Air and Space Law-Special Issue 90th Anniversary of the Institute of Air and Space Law; Cologne-May 2015-Heft 2-ZLW 64, 64 Jg. 2/2015); with Alexander Soucek.

56.       The Current Practice of The European Space Agency in registering its Space Objects Launched into Earth Orbit or Beyond, 66th IAC, 2015, Jerusalem, Israel.

57.       40 Aniversario de la Agncia Espacial Europea. Cooperación, experiencia y perspectivas de futuro, 10 November 2015, Madrid, España.

58.       “The European Space Agency as a European Institution and a Space law maker” for European Journal of Law EJLR 1/2016, special issue on Space Law.

59.       “The Development of a New Space Economy and of Mega-Constellations”, 1st Edition Nomos Verlag, Germany 2018, “Innovation in Outer Space: International and African Legal Perspectives.

60.       “La politica spaziale europea quale strumento di tutela ambientale”, Genova, 6 May 2016.

61.       “Why is Luxemburg aiming at space mining?”, Fly Orbit News, 27 July 2016.   Intervista in italiano (Interview in Italian) at Fly Orbit, 28 July 2016.

62.       Presentation “Introduction to legal and regulatory aspects of satellite communications”, 4 July 2018.

63.       L’espace, nouvelle frontière du droit, Hors-Serie Sciences et Avenir, p. 81 July/Aug 2018.

64.       Private and Public space activities in Europe through the lenses of EU competition law, co-authored by Ionna Thoma.
Abstract available here:,E7,2,7,x44846.brief.pdf?2018-04-04.10:58:47

65.       The institutions for regional space cooperation- UN/Germany High Level Forum: the way forward after UNISPACE+50 and on Space2030- Panel on: LEGAL REGIME OF OUTER SPACE AND GLOBAL SPACE GOVERNANCE - Bonn - 14 November 2018 - Published by UN under A/AC.105/802.

66.       Les règles internationales relatives à la défense dans l’espaceRevueDéfense: L’Espace et la Défense N°197, March/April Edition 2019.