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Event in the UK: Outer Space Treaty Symposium (10.October 2017)

02/10/2017 462 views 5 likes
ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law

The British Interplanetary Society is holding a one-day symposium to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the UN Space Treaty which has been the foundation of Space law for half a century. This looks at how some space activities might be limited by the treaty, and what changes might be need to allow them to take place.

Date: 10th October 2017
Start Time: 9.00 am
End Time: 5.30 pm

Venue: 27/29 South Lambeth Road, London, SW8 1SZ

The programme (almost final) is as follows:



The SPACE Project: Apparent limitations on constructing a space habitat imposed by the UN Treaty
 Jerry Stone FBIS, Leader, The SPACE Project.  Freelance Space Presenter, Spaceflight UK

International law relating to the mining of the deep seabed and outer space
 Danny Greenland LLB LLM, Legal Researcher, The Northern Space Consortium

Embedding sustainability: The future of the Outer Space Treaty?
 Dr Chris Newman, Reader in Law, University of Sunderland



Extraterrestrial Recidivism – Dispute, dissent and non-compliance in the Outer Space treaties
 Mukesh Bhatt, Researcher and Guest Lecturer, School of Law, Birkbeck College, University of London

‘The Common Heritage of Mankind’ meets ‘Star Trek’
Adam Manning LLB LLM, Civil Litigation Solicitor at Gurney-Champion & Co, Portsmouth

How would the Outer Space Treaty be different if drafted in 2017?
 Raphael Costa, Executive Secretary of the French Institute for Space and Telecommunications Law



Places are limited so register today.
For more details and registration please follow the external link: