IISL/ECSL Symposium
In brief
This year's symposium will take place on 28 March 2023. The format will be announced in due time.
The 2022 Symposium

The 2022 Symposium took place in Vienna, Austria on 5 April 2022 in conjunction with the UNCOPUOS Legal Subcommittee in Vienna, Austria.
Last year's topic was: “National Laws and Regulations to Ensure Space Sustainability”.
The event was held in hybrid mode and was webcast live. The speakers, as well as non-delegates were only be able to join virtually.
Programme of the event: Click here for the 2022 Programme!
Opportunities for ECSL Members to be Observers to the 2022 IISL/ECSL Symposium is possible through the live webcast.
For future in-person IISL-ECSL Symposia:
Every year during the UN COPUOS Legal Subcommittee, a few members of the ECSL have a chance to receive an invitation to observe the work of the Legal Subcommittee and attend the IISL/ECSL Symposium.
More information about the work of the Legal Subcommittee and previous IISL/ECSL Symposia is available here: www.unoosa.org
Should these opportunities be resumed, please note that the ECSL will not cover any expenses, and that invited members will have to organise their trip and cover the costs associated with participating themselves.
Application (TBC):
If you are interested in participating to this opportunity please submit:
- Personal information: Your full name as in passport, nationality and email address (For UN Security purposes)
- Statement: 250 word statement of why this is a relevant opportunity for your work/studies.
- CV
The requested documents should be sent to the ECSL Executive Secretary (ecsl@esa.int).
Selected candidates will be notified within 5 open days of the outcome of the selection committee.
Previous IISL/ECSL Symposia
2021 Symposium - Space Law for the Global Space Economy
8 June
Presentations of the Symposium available here: https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/copuos/lsc/2021/symposium.html
2020 Symposium - (Cancelled amid covid-19)
2019 Symposium - The Moon Agreement Revisited: The Road Ahead
1 April
Presentations of the Symposium available here: https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/copuos/lsc/2019/symposium.html
2018 Symposium- The 50th Anniversary of the Rescue and Return Agreement: Relevance and Challenges
9 April
Presentations of the Symposium available here:https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/copuos/lsc/2019/symposium.html
2017 Symposium - Legal Models for Exploration, Exploitation and Utilization of Space Resources 50 Years After the Adoption of the Outer Space Treaty
27 March
Presentations of the Symposium available here: http://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/copuos/lsc/2017/symposium.html
2016 Symposium - Registration Convention and Today's Practical Issues
4th April 2016
Presentations of the Symposium
2015 Symposium - Space Traffic Management
13th April 2015
Presentations of the Symposium
2014 Symposium - Regulatory Needs for Very Small Satellites
24th March 2014
Presentations of the Symposium
2013 Symposium - The UNIDROIT Space Protocol
8th April 2013
Presentations of the Symposium
2012 Symposium - Transfer of Ownership of Space Objects: Issues of Responsibility, Liability and Registration
9th March 2012
2011 Symposium - A Fresh Look on the Delimitation of Airspace and Outer Space
28th March 2011
2010 Symposium - National Space Legislation: Crafting Legal Engines for the Growth of Space Activities
22nd March 2010
2009 Symposium - 30th Anniversary of the Moon Agreement: Retrospect and Prospects
23rd March 2009
2008 Symposium - Legal Implications of Space Applications for Climate Change
31st March - 1st April 2008
2007 Symposium - Capacity Building in Space Law
26th - 27th March 2007
2006 Symposium - Legal Aspects of Disaster Management and the Contribution of the Law of Outer Space
3rd April 2006