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Meet the ECSL Members - Jamila Mendoza

"Meet ECSL Members" Series: Jamila Mendoza, General Counsellor at University of Oslo

28/08/2023 367 views 26 likes
ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law

Read our latest "Meet ECSL Members" interview with Jamila Mendoza, General Counsellor at the University of Oslo. Learn about her previous experience in serving as coordinator for an expert group for an UN Commission, sitting on the board of various organisations across Norway, and extensive publications in the area of good outer space governance. 

Meet the ECSL members - Jamila
Meet the ECSL members - Jamila

1.         Hi Jamila! How has your day been?

Great to see you! Thanks for the invite to share my experience and also, thanks to our readers and other ECSL members. I have just arrived at a cabin grabbing a warm cup of tea into the fiords to enjoy the season. There are several beautiful places in Norway where it is so clear to see the northern lights in winter that it reminds me to some degree of outer space.

2.        Can you introduce yourself briefly and share with us the most exciting project you have worked on?

I am passionate about working closely with companies and organisations in a rapidly developing landscape, to meet the need for assurance and sustainable restructuring across core corporate functions. I also try to strengthen my commitment to contribute to space law engagement for fostering new legal frameworks internationally. I am currently collaborating with several organisations with the aim of publishing papers on good outer space governance and risk management aspects for the space industry.

3.         Your academic background is very diversified. How did you decide to pursue studies in different academic fields such as energy & environment, international relations, and legal tech?

It would sound like a trilemma indeed! However, the values where today's societies sit, and the license given by societies to the industries as well as its fragile relation between them put me in the context to find the balance with values along my professional career. I am an outgoing and dynamic professional with a relentless drive to deliver more than just results to ensure the overall strategy and success of a business. I aim to constantly look out and be able to introduce new products and services to meet the needs of today's society.

4.         Some of your work relates to Artificial Intelligence (AI), which of course sounds to some still very futuristic but is obviously becoming reality for us. What do you think are the most important aspects of the use of AI technologies in the space sector?

Undoubtedly, the space industry shares a strong synergy with AI, encompassing everything from deep learning to fundamental core AI systems. For instance, in the field of Earth observations, we train satellites to act as "eyes" in detecting, scanning, and monitoring operations in various industry domains. Could we then not see satellites as our "eyes in orbit," observing the Earth?  In parallel, cybersecurity compliance is a critical pillar to safeguard different security layers and infrastructure of the “the multi-dimensional space management system”.

5.         Can AI technology be used for furthering the sustainability of space activities?

AI plays multiple roles across the entire value chain of space services and products. However, it's crucial to emphasise the global effort needed to ensure the social responsibility of AI applications and compliance with cybersecurity within space activities. Given the nature of AI and its implications for space activities, robust regulatory frameworks and standards are essential. Presently, there exists a significant global gap in this regard, posing active and passive risks in the coming years.

6.         Norway has been heavily involved in space for decades, and there are many recent developments in the sector. What can you tell us about your work in the Norwegian space industry?

In recent years, I have tried to contribute to the Norwegian space industry by fostering collaborative partnerships with stakeholders, raising attention towards the Norwegian space industry outside the sector, and enhancing national awareness. Additionally, I have also served on several boards at Norwegian Universities, supporting a clear focus and a strategy for introducing initiatives that build national expertise in both the energy and space sectors.

7.         Is there a future for renewables' usage and management of resources in outer space?

The current market indicates that we may hopefully witness the integration of renewable energy companies with SME space companies, incorporating renewable solutions into outer space operations. However, whether the renewable capacity will be sufficient for outer space activities remains an ongoing assessment carried out by space players and within the context of supply chains, procurement and investors. I hope that we can all aspire to strive towards a more sustainable space sector in all aspects possible.

8.         Which one of your various work experiences would you consider the most valuable asset towards joining the space law community, and what advice may you give to someone in your position wishing to do the same?

Indeed, my background is not very linear. From developing and implementing decarbonisation in onshore/offshore operations within the Norwegian energy industry, being involved and pushing for projects within the commercial space sector, and practicing technology law, each experience has step by step fuelled my passion of becoming part of the space law community. It has led me to develop the concept of "Good Outer Space Governance" and try to promote it on the international scale. The space law community embraces talented individuals with open minds, and there are no limitations to what one can achieve with the support of others. This is also why I find myself enjoying, and thriving in, it. I hope that my words will inspire those of you with cross-cutting and non-linear backgrounds to join us in doing space law. The field of space law requires more skilled professionals with collaborative mindsets, and I am eager to contribute to this inspiring community.

9.       What is an ECSL activity you are excited to participate in next?

There isn't one specific activity that stands out because ECSL provides an exceptional platform for connecting talented professionals who share a deep passion for space law. Every opportunity to engage with this community brings excitement and the potential for ground-breaking collaboration.

11.       Is there anything you would like to finish this conversation?

Absolutely! I encourage all our readers to maintain their interest in the space industry and space law, as it is through their dedication and innovative thinking that new solutions will emerge. Follow your inspiration and pursue your passion, for the possibilities within the vast expanse of space are limitless!

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Find some more of Jamila's involvement here and here. Contact her for more information here.