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Copyright ESA–M. Pedoussaut, 2015

Other Space Law Events

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ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law

Past Events

Colloque – 18 mars 2014
Université Paris Sud's Institute of Space & Telecommunications Law (IDEST)organised a colloquium entitled 'Space at the service of European citizens' at the French Institute of Budapest on 18th March 2014.

ECSL mourns the loss of great space jurist, Prof. Vladimír Kopal
It is with great sadness that the ECSL announces the death of Professor Vladimír Kopal. He was a pioneer of space law and had an exemplary career in academics and in the UN, serving as a delegate of his country since the creation of UN COPUOS and twice as Chairman of its Legal Subcommittee. A detailed biography of the many achievements of Professor Kopal can be found on this link to the IAF website.
Professor Kopal served on the board of the ECSL for many years and continued to be active in ECSL events. By special invitation, he participated as a judge at the Manfred Lachs Regional Rounds in Rome in 2013. He was also instrumental in setting up the ECSL’s National Point of Contact in the Czech Republic.
He will be sorely missed by all at the ECSL.

Awards offered by the IISL at the 64th International Astronautical Congress in Beijing
At the 64th International Astronautical Congress in Beijing the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) offered three awards.Dr. Marietta Benkö was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award and the Distinguished Service Award was awarded to: Dr. Martha Mejia-Kaiser and Mr. Philippe Clerc.
IISL Awards webpage

International Space and Cyber Security: Is International Law (Finally) Going Extra-terrestrial?
Thursday 5th December 2013, Seminar and drinks receptipon to discussing fast-approaching legal issues of commercial space at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London.

Seminar on Space Activities and the Law, Madrid
From 19 to 21 November 2013, the 3rd Seminar on Space Activities and the Law took place at the E.T.S.I.A. coordinated by Dr. Elisa González Ferreiro, Director of the Studies Centre of the Iberoamerican Institute of Aeronautical, Space and Commercial Aviation Law.

Launch of the EISC-ESA "Space for Sustainability" Award
"Space for Sustainability" Award addressed to European students and young professionals under the age of 30.
ESA-EISC Space for Sustainability Award facebook page
Congratulations to the 2013 winner Maxime Puteaux!

Symposium on Legal and Policy aspects of space cooperation between Europe and BRICS countries: Inventory, Challenges and Opportunities
May 16, 2013, Leiden, Netherlands
homepage Seventh Eilene Galloway on Critical Issues in Space Law
December 2012, Washington D.C., USA

Eighth United Nations workshop on Space Law
5-9 November 2012, Argentina

Euroconsult's World Satellite Business Week
September 10-14, 2012, Paris, France

IAC 2012
October 1-5, 2012, Naples, Italy
IAC 2012 homepage

Toulouse Space Show
June 25-28, 2012, Toulouse, France
Toulouse Space Show homepage

Workshop & International Conference on Law & Regulation of Air Transport and Law of Space Applications
25-29 April 2012, National Law University, New Delhi, India

The protection of the environment in international spaces
For more information:
07-09 November 2011, Baeza, Spain

International Interdisciplinary Congress on Space Debris Remediation
McGill Institute of Air and Space Law
November 11 and 12, 2011

“Contracting for Space – Space Project Management”
17th November 2011, DLR, Bremen, Germany London Institute of Space Policy and Law: Seminar IV-II on Policy and Regulatory Risk
27 October 2011, London, UK

62nd International Astronautical Congress
03-07 October 2011, Cape Town, South Africa

5th IAASS Conference “A Safer Space for a Safer World”
17-19 October 2011, Versailles, France

Workshop on “Militarization of Space: International Legal Perspectives”
8-9 September 2011, Leuven Centre of Global Governance Studies - University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.

4th IAA African Conference and Second Mediterranean Conference:"Youth and Space Application"
18-21 July 2011, CRETAN, Tunis, Tunisia

UK Space Conference, "The New Space economy"
4-5 July 2011,University of Warwick, UK

ESA Events 2011

3rd IAA Symposium on "Searching for Life Signatures”
27-30 June 2011, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

ESPI/PSSI Conference on "Space Security Through the Transatlantic Partnership"
12-14 June 2011: . Czernin Palace, Prague, Czech Republic

Colloque IRSEM-IDEST "Les enjeux juridiques de la cyberguerre"
16 June 2011,Amphithéâtre des Vallières, Ecole militaire, Paris, France.

2nd International IAA Symposium on Private Human Access to Space
30 May- 01 June 2011, Arcachon, France

IISL-ISIL Conference
"The Role of Law in an Asian Space Age: Institutions and Applications"
02-03 June 2011, Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), Jakarta, Indonesia

5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies-RAST 2011
"The Future is in the Skies"
09-11 June 2011, Istanbul, Turkey

2nd IAA Planetary Defense Conference
10-13 May 2011, Bucharest, Romania

Journée mondiale des télécommunications IDEST Colloquium
"Le très haut débit pour tous"
16 May 2011, Paris, France

5th Annual Lincoln Space Law Conference
The University of Nebraska, College of Law
18-19 April 2011, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

50th UNCOPUOS Legal Subcommittee
28 March - 8 April 2011, Vienna, Austria

5th session of the Unidroit Committee of governmental experts
"Preparation of a draft Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Space Assets"
21-25 February 2011, Rome, Italy

15th ISU Annual International Symposium
"The International Space Station: Maximizing the Return from Extended Operations”
15-17 February 2011, International Space University, France

14th Annual FAA Commercial Space Transportation Conference
09-10 February 2011, "Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington DC, USA

ESPI Workshop on GMES
"Less Known Elements of the Space Flagship Programmes: Public Perception and International Aspects”
7 December 2010, European Parliament Brussels, Belgium


5th Eilene M. Galloway Symposium
"Critical Issues in Space Law on the Peaceful Purposes and Uses of Outer Space"
2 December 2010, Washington D.C.,US


UN/Thailand/ESA Workshop on Space Law
"Activities of States in Outer Space in Light of New Developments: Meeting International Responsibilities and Establishing National Legal and Policy Frameworks"
16-19 November 2010, Bangkok, Thailand


Conferencia Espacial de las Americas
15-19 November 2010, Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico


IDEST Colloqium
"The Future of Transatlantic Space Cooperation"
10 November 2010, Paris, France


Annual Conference of the European Air Law Association
4-5 November 2010, Paris, France


4th Annual University of Nebraska College of Law Space Law Seminar
"Operationalizing Space Law: The Law of Space Operations"
University of Nebraska Space and Telecom Law Program
1st November 2010, Omaha, NE, US


"Space Security: Next Steps in TCBMs”
UNIDIR and Secure World Foundation
14 October 2010, UN Headquarters, New York, US

International Astronautical Congress
27 September-01 October 2010, Prague, Czech Republic

IISL Symposium
"The Regulation of Suborbital Flights in the European Context"
16 September 2010, Leiden, The Netherlands

Global Lunar Conference
IAF - Chinese Society of Astronautics (CSA)
30 May - 3 June 2010, Beijing, China

IDEST Colloqium
"The New Telecommunications Regulatory Framework"
17 May 2010, Paris, France

Lincoln Conference
"Space Security and Space Tourism: Challenges to and Transatlantic Perspectives on Governance"
University of Nebraska Space and Telecom Law Program - European Space Policy Institute (ESPI)
6/7 May 2010, Lincoln, NE, US