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Stephan Hobe

Prof. Stephan Hobe

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International Institute of Space Law, Board of Directors

  • International Academy of Astronautics, Full Member
  • International Law Association, Rapporteur of Space Law Committee
  • European Centre for Space Law, Board of Directors
  • International Chamber of Commerce, Member of Air Transport Commission
  • German Society of International Law (ILA German Branch), Member of the Advisory Board
  • German Association of International Law (ILA German Branch), Treasurer
  • European Air Law Association, Member of the Committee of Management
  • American Society of International Law, Member

More than 200 publications in the field of Public International Law, European Law, German Public Law, and Air and Space Law, including “Einführung in das Völkerrecht” (Introduction to Public International Law), 9th edition 2008 and “Europarecht” (European Law), 4th edition 2008. Editor of the German Journal of Air and Space Law (ZLW) and of the Series „Studies in Air and Space Law“; co-editor of the looseleaf collection „Space Law – Basic Legal Documents“. Co-editor of a Compendium on Air Law which was prepared in cooperation with Lufthansa, the “Kölner Kompendium des Luftrechts”, volume 1 appeared in spring 2008, volume 2 in May 2009 and volume 3 in January 2010. Also in preparation is a commentary on the existing international space legislation (outer space treaties and UN General Assembly resolutions) in 3 volumes, the “Cologne Commentary on Space Law”, in cooperation with the German Aerospace Centre (DLR). Vol. 1 appeared in October 2009.

Stephan Hobe
Stephan Hobe


1984: 1st State Examination in Law (Göttingen)

1987: LL.M., McGill University (Montreal, Canada)

1988: 2nd State Examination in Law (Kiel)

1991: Doctor jur. (Kiel)

1990-1992: Employment with German Space Agency (Bonn)

1992-1996: Senior Research Fellow, Walther-Schücking-Institut at the University of Kiel

1996: Habilitation (Dr. jur. habil.)

1997: Professor for German Public Law, European Law and Public International Law, University of Cologne


1998: Jean-Monnet Professor for the Law of European Integration

1 June 2000: Director at Law Centre for European and International Cooperation, University of Cologne

1 September 2001: Holder of the Chair for Public International Law, European Law, European and International Economic Law and Director of the Institute of Air and Space Law, University of Cologne