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ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law


  • UNGA Res. 1721 B (XVI)- 1961, 20 December
  • ESA acceptance declaration . 2nd January 1979.
  • UNGA Res. 41/66 (Dec. 3, 1986)
  • Application of the Convention on registration of objects launched into outer space U.N. Doc. A/AC.105/382 March 2, 1987.
  • Proceedings of the 1998 IISL/ECSL Symposium:Review of the Status of the Outer Space Treaties on the occasion of the 37th session of the Legal Subcommittee of the United Nations Committee in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space . A/AC. 105/ C.2/1998/CRP.4 24 March 1998.
  • Space Law Workshop UNISPACE III July 1999
  • International Institute for Air and Space Law Workshop 2003. ST/Space 14.
  • L’évolution du droit de l’espace en France. Colloque. Ministère délégué a la recherche et nouvelles technologies. Février 2003. Paris.
  • Proceedings of the IISL/ECSL Symposium. “Reinforcing the Registration Convention”. 24th March 2003
  • A/AC.105/C/2003/CRP. 6. 27 March 2003
  • A/AC. 105/814. 25 Nov. 2003. Report on the United Nations/ Republic of Korea Workshop on Space Law on the Theme “United Nations treaties on outer space: actions at the national level” (Daejeon, 3-6 November 2003)
  • A/AC. 105/C.2/2004/CRP.3 29 March 2004. Practice of States and International Organisations in Registering Space Objects. Legal Subcommittee. Forty-third session. Vienna, 29 March-8 April 2004. Agenda item 12
  • ITU Radio Regulations </>
  • Change of ownership, change of registry? Which objects to register, what data to be furnished, when and until when?


D. M. Benkö and Dr. K. N. Schrogl.
The 1998 European initiative in the UNCOPUOS Legal Sub Committee to improve the Registration Convention. IISL 98- IISL 01.07

F. von der Dunk
The Registration Convention, in Proceedings UN/International Institute of Air and Space Law Workshop on capacity building in space law, UNO 2003. ST/Space/14. Pp. 33-37

Peter Van Fenema
The Registration Convention. P. 33 in Proceedings UN

G. Lafferranderie. L’application par l’Agence Spatial
Européenne de la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmostpherique. Mc Gill (Annals of Air and Space Law). Vol. XI. 1986. 229. 236

L. Perek.
The 1976 “Registration Convention”. 1998, IISL/ECSL Symposium (reproduced in 41st Colloquium on the law of outer space)

IISL Symposium on space law. UNISPACE III. 1999

Peter Lala
The United Nations register of objects launched into outer space, in United Nations/ International Institute of air and space law workshop on capacity building in space law. The Hague 18-21 Nov. 2001

Sergio Marchisio.
Italian space legislation. Between international obligations and EU law. AC. 04. IISL. 1.17. Vancouver.

J.F. Mayence
The draft Belgian Space Act. In ECSL Proceedings of the Sept. 2003 Summer Course at Leuven.

Kai-Uwe Schrogl and Ch. Davis.
A new look at the “launching State”. IISL Houston.