ESA title

Space Law Journals

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ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law

Air and Space Law (The Netherlands)

Annals of Air and Space Law (Canada)

Annuaire français de droit maritime et aérospatial (France)

Journal of Air Law and Commerce (USA)

Journal of Space Law (USA)

Korean Journal of Air and Space Law (South Korea)

Revista Brasileira de Direito Aeronáutico e Espacial (Brasil)

Revista Nacional de Derecho Aeronáutico y Espacial (Argentina)

Revue générale de l’air et de l’espace (France)

Space Policy (UK)

ZLW - Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht (Germany)


On line legal databases

Elsevier – Science Direct (The Netherlands)

Hein Online (USA)

Kluwer Law Online (The Netherlands)

Oxford Journals (UK)

Washington and Lee University School of Law - Law library (Canada)

Useful links

Acta Astronautica

AIR& SPACE Magazine (Smithsonian)


Aviation Week and Space Technology

BBC Space

ECSL Newsletter

Encyclopedia Astronautica

ESA Bulletin

ESPI Perspectives

ESPI Reports

Euronews: Space (in partnership with ESA)

ILA Newsletter

Orbital Debris Quarterly News (NASA)

Satellite Today

Space Law Update (OOSA electronic publication)

Space News

Space Policy

Space Research Today (COSPAR Information Bulletin)

The New York Times: Space and Cosmos

YIJUN Institute of International Law