ESA title
Young Lawyer's Symposium (YLS)

The 2020 Young Lawyers' Symposium will take place online

12/06/2020 1229 views 2 likes
ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law

The ECSL is delighted to announce that the fifth edition of the Young Lawyers' Symposium (YLS), initially set to take place on 24 of April 2020 at ESA ESOC in Darmstadt will be reorganised online. 

Online event amid covid-19

Every year, the ECSL is inviting young scholars and professionals to take part in the Young Lawyers' Symposium (YLS). The aim of the YLS is to allow early career scholars and professionals to present on a space law related topic in an international forum, exchange ideas and network amongst themselves.

In the context of the covid-19 outbreak, the ECSL has decided to organise the event remotely on 19 June 2020. 

Congratulations to the selected speakers for their inspiring abstracts. We look forward to hearing their presentations !


The YLS 2020 will centre around three themed panels, which will consider legal aspect relating to:

1. The legality of the use of force in outer space
2. Legal tools to guarantee space safety
3. Use of outer space against climate change and environmental crises

The program is available here:


If you are interested in joining the online event, you can register by sending an email to mentioning: 

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Affiliation

Deadline to register : 18 June 2020 at 17.00 pm (CEST) 

*By registering to the 2020 YLS, you acknowledge and agree that you consent to the process of your Personal Data by the European Centre for Space Law and the European Space Agency for the purpose of organising the online event.  

* You can withdraw your consent by sending an email to

2020 YLS online
2020 YLS online