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Main buildings at ESAC, 2014

SpaceIN at ESAC

04/05/2017 1431 views 1 likes
ESA / About Us / ESAC

The European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) of the European Space Agency (ESA), is working together with experienced institutions and companies to develop a specific SpaceIN project on Space Science. 


As part of this development, an event will take place at ESAC to demonstrate that outreach and education activities in Space Science can be accessible to everyone, irrespective of physical condition. In this first event, ESA is working closely with organisations, such as ONCE (the Spanish National Organisation for the Blind), to develop programmes for both visually impaired people and the general public.

The scientific topics addressed for this pilot project are:

  • Water and Rocks – Implications for Life
  • Volcanoes, Ice and Ocean Worlds; the chemistry of life in our Solar System
  • Exoplanets: Other Solar Systems and the quest for life in the universe

The event will take place on Monday 5th June 2017 with the following programme:

09:00  Bus departs from Madrid (meeting point to be confirmed) 
09:30 Bus arrives at ESAC
09:45 Welcome and Opening Session
10:00 Block 1: Water and Rocks – Implications for Life
11:30  Coffee Break
12:00 Block 2: Volcanoes, Ice and Ocean Worlds: the chemistry of life in our Solar System
13:15  Lunch
14:45  Guided Tour of the Site*
15:45 Coffee
16:15 Block 3: Exoplanets: Other Solar Systems and the quest for life in the universe
17:30 Close
18:00 Bus departs for Madrid

* The ESAC guided tour will be led by CESAR, an educational project at ESAC, and by Geko Navsat, a company supported by the ESA Business Incubator Centre in Madrid, which will perform a demonstration of its BlindExplorer GNSS-enabled guiding system.


Field trip to Mars analogue 

On Sunday 11th June 2017 a field trip will take place on a terrain which closely resembles geological formations on Mars. The location is approximately 2.5 hours from Madrid by car. The visit itself will be guided by an expert geologist who is familiar with the site and providing activities for people with different degrees of visual impairment.

Logistical details of the trip will be provided two weeks prior to the activity


Attendance for the conference and the associated field trip is mandatory. In order to register, please send the following details to before the 31st May.

-  Name
-  Surname
 -  DNI / Passport Number
 -  Details of an special needs
-  Dates to which you would like to apply.

Please note that accompanying persons need to register in the same way.

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