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ESA Champion Awards

Discover the ESA Champion initiative

30/08/2022 418 views 1 likes
ESA / About Us / ESA Champions

In brief

ESA has decided to reward passion for space in Europe. Find out how in the article!

The ESA Champions initiative runs once a year to honour creative and outstanding contributions about space in Europe with unique awards and give the chance to its Champions to become part of an exclusive network of space enthusiasts.


Whether they are hosting a YouTube channel about space or volunteering to speak at local level, ESA wants to recognize individuals who participate on various forms to the notoriety of space topics in Europe. The ESA Champions initiative has been set up as a way of encouraging advocacy for ESA among its workforce and way beyond and to spread the message of one United Europe for space.

The lucky space enthusiasts who get to be nominated “ESA Champions” receive inspiring awards, like unique items flown on the International Space Station, and VIP exclusivities related to astronauts! The Champions enter a dedicated community and ESA involve its members to space events and offer an exclusive information flow to help them spread their sense of belonging to one European space community.

The initiative kicks-off once a year, usually at fall. ESA tracks the #ESAchampion on social media linked to an artwork, a storytelling piece, a video, a picture from a school lesson or conference... An ESA jury selects the most original pieces focusing on space in Europe and highlighting next Champions’ brilliant skills and creativity.

More information

For more information, you can check the FAQs or contact .

Details about the next edition of the Initiative will be published soon.