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Statement by ESA's International Relations Committee, 2005

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ESA / About Us / ESA history / 30years

30 years of ESA and international relations:
Recognising progress and considering the way forward

The International Relations Committee, convening at its 54th session, at ESRIN in Frascati, Italy on the 30th and 31st of May 2005, has unanimously adopted the following statement:

RECALLING the signature of the Convention for the establishment of a European Space Agency in Paris on 30 May 1975;

RECALLING its immediate application by the signatory States from 31 May 1975;

HAVING regard to the considerable achievements in terms of activities, programmes and missions developed and performed in the frame of the European Space Agency during the following 30 years;

RECOGNISING the mutual benefits, the openness to international partners by the Agency has brought to these partners and the world community as a whole;

RECALLING ESA’s efforts to support the UN in promoting and coordinating the use of outer space for peaceful purposes and sustainable development, in particular through the ongoing process based on the UNISPACE III objectives;

RECOGNISING the important role international space law has played in fostering international cooperation and welcoming the efforts the Members States, together with the Agency, have made in developing international space law further;

SEEKING to strengthen the importance of such cooperation to promote peace, human welfare and sustainable development in Europe and worldwide, which is particularly true for the Galileo and GMES programmes as well as the science programme;

RECALLING the active role ESA and its Member States, together with the European Union, are playing and will play in the definition and implementation of European space policy and the European space programme, particularly as far as international relations aspects are concerned;

RECOGNISING the new requirements for organising a comprehensive international cooperation policy comprising all relevant actors in Europe;

1. Joins in the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the European Space Agency

2. Takes note of the remarkable achievements during these 30 years of existence and the fruitful role international cooperation has played in this respect

3. Emphasises the need for a strengthened comprehensive cooperation policy towards existing and new international partners

4. Recommends Council to take note of this statement approved by the International Relations Committee and to take further action in order to bring international relations aspects and ESA’s achievements in the area to the attention of Council at the ministerial level meeting in Berlin at the end of this year.