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Bergstrasse Space Days 21-23 February

19/02/2008 364 views 0 likes
ESA / About Us / ESOC

Local community groups near ESOC will present the first annual 'Bergstrasse Space Days', aimed at emphasizing space science in German classroom. Columbus Mission Director and ESA astronaut Reinhold Ewald will speak at the grand opening. Everyone's invited.

Over 18 local clubs, associations, schools and community groups will take part in the 1st annual Bergstrasse Space Days, an event targeting students, youth and people of all ages that aims to boost the connection between space, science, education and the local region.

The opening address will be made by ESA's Reinhold Ewald, an astronaut who now works as Mission Director for the Columbus science lab on board the International Space Station. The three-day programme includes presentations, media shows, art and project exhibitions and star gazing opportunities, weather permitting.

The BSD event is organised by the Hessen branch of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schulastronomie (German Association for School Astronomy) together with the Lions Club of Seeheim-Jugenheim and the Schuldorf Bergstrasse. The event will take place at the Schuldorf, located in the village of Seeheim-Jugenheim, south of Darmstadt.

Participating exhibitors include ESA, the German Aerospace Center (DLR), EUMETSAT (European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites), and a variety of astronomy clubs, media and scientific organisations.

For more information, directions and the full schedule of events, access the link at right.

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