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Dr. Otmar Bernhard,  Dr Liebig, Dr. Otto Wiesheu and Dr Erwin Huber, from left to right

Visit of Bavarian CSU delegation to ESRIN

03/11/2005 605 views 0 likes
ESA / About Us / ESRIN

Yesterday, 30 members of the CSU party of the Bavarian parliament in Germany have visited ESA’s Establishment in Italy, ESRIN.

The delegation was lead by Dr. Otmar Bernhard, Deputy Head of CSU party and accompanied by the Minister of state for economy, infrastructure and technology, Dr. Otto Wiesheu as well as Minister of state and Head of the Bavarian Minister president’s office Erwin Huber.

Dr Volker Liebig, the members of the CSU party of the Bavarian parliament and some ESA staff that participated in the visit
Dr Volker Liebig, the members of the CSU party of the Bavarian parliament and some ESA staff that participated in the visit

Dr Volker Liebig, Director of Earth Observation and ESRIN Director welcomed the group and presented ESA’s activities, ESRIN and the perspectives for the upcoming Ministerial Council Meeting of ESA planned in Berlin in December.

After having been introduced into the applications and operations of the Earth Observation Programme by Günther Kohlhammer the politicians had the opportunity to have a guided tour through the ESRIN establishment.

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