ESA title
Up to Space exhibition, featuring a 3d printed building block made of lunar soil simulant, part of an ESA study to use in situ resources for a lunar habitat.

Close to space: ESA at the "Up to Space" exhibition in Universum® Bremen

21/06/2021 1955 views 51 likes
ESA / About Us / Exhibitions

Do I have to be an expert in maths, an exceptional athlete and a language genius to become an astronaut? What everyday products have their origin in space research? And what does a real space suit look like? From 27 October 2020 to 20 April 2022, the special exhibition "Up to Space" at Universum® Bremen offers rare original objects, tricky self-tests and in-depth knowledge about space. ESA, the European Space Agency is supporting this exhibition  and is providing, among other things, a brick that has been 3d printed using simulated moon dust.

What does it actually look like on the moon?

VR glasses make a virtual walk in the barren moon landscape possible
VR glasses make a virtual walk in the barren moon landscape possible

Surrounded by real moon dust, virtual lunar landscapes and many interactive stations, younger visitors aged ten years and over in particular can devote themselves fully to the question of what a space career would entail and whether it would be attractive. The bricks produced on a 3d printer use simulated moon dust and are part of an ESA study, giving  an idea of the technologies that could be used in the future to build a moon base that use resources in situ. In addition, numerous photographs of our Earth from space, images from the International Space Station (ISS) and impressions from ESA astronaut training help to pass on the fascination for space to the younger generation. 

While the exhibition covers many topics about space flights to distant planets and back to Earth, visitors can learn all kinds of expert knowledge about life and work on board the ISS, how plants grow in space or why a space capsule does not burn up during landing. With an augmented reality app specially programmed for Universum®, interested visitors can obtain additional information on their smartphones during the tour of the exhibition. An extensive accompanying programme for school classes, families and individual guests of all ages rounds off this innovative exhibition.

“Up to Space” was developed in cooperation with the Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace in Le Bourget, France. After Bremen, the exhibition will also be presented in Paris and by the "la Caixa" Foundation in Barcelona and Valencia. The exact dates to be confirmed.

  • Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace in Le Bourget, June 2022 to summer 2023
  • Pavillion of Knowledge, Lisbon, October 2023 to April 2024
  • Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, Valencia, May 2024 to December 2024

Exhibition remains in Bremen until April 2022

The special exhibition "Up to Space - Space travel in Universum®" can be seen at Universum® Bremen from 27 October 2020 to 20 April 2022. Admission is included in the Universum® ticket. The exhibition is aimed in particular at families with children aged ten and over and other interested guests.

For the original publication, please visit Universum® Bremen.


Further information:

Universum® Bremen:

European Space Agency (ESA): / /

The exploration projects of ESA:

Training and tasks of ESA astronauts: