ESA meets European Science Museums in Warsaw, Poland
This year ESA exhibited at the Annual Conference of ECSITE, the European Network of Science Centres and Museums, hosted by the Copernicus Science centre in Warsaw from 26 to 28 May.
This small exhibition was specifically aimed to attract the interest of conference participants to open up new cooperation with science museums, centres and planetariums across Europe.
This exhibition was well situated in the traditional Business Bistrot organised by ECSITE for professionals and institutions as a platform for presenting new science communication tools and a forum for discussion.
ESA presented a special dedicated website where it makes available material produced for a number of exhibitions held in its various Member States, including the major international air shows in Europe, conferences within the space community and exhibitions for the public.
The Business Bistrot offered an excellent opportunity to present the exhibition website and material around to collect feedback from museums and science centres to evaluate how it can be improved in the future.
ESA’s presence in Warsaw will be repeated at ECSITE 2012 that will be held at la Cité de l’Espace in Toulouse, France, and which will focus on space activities.
This was announced during the closing ceremony by ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli in a special video message from the ISS. This was received with an enthusiastic and emotional standing ovation by those present.
As Marc Moutin, Director of Exhibitions at Cité de l'Espace added “For the first time Space will be the main theme of the ECSITE annual conference, and I am very proud to have had the opportunity to collaborate with ESA for the realisation of this video from the ISS in which Paolo officially invites you next year to Toulouse ».
For further information, please contact:
Maria Menendez
Head of Exhibitions and Images
Communication Department
Tel.: + 33 1 5369 7167
Fiorella Coliolo
ExoWorld, freelance for ESA
Tel.: +33 6 50 03 08 85