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Registering a topography of a semiconductor product

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ESA / About Us / Law at ESA / Intellectual Property Rights

A topography of a semiconductor product, like other industrial property rights, needs to be registered with the competent administrative authority.

This entails completing an application form and including a description of the topography of the semiconductor product. The description should be clear and complete, provide new technical information for the use of third parties and be written in such a way that it can be understood by a person having ordinary skills in the art.

If filing a claim in a foreign country then an address in that country should be supplied or that of the person holding power of attorney. Other formalities are often required such as the payment of a fee or authentication by a public notary.

The application is then examined by the relevant body in the country concerned; the method used can differ from one country to another.
If protection is granted a certificate is issued to the owner stating that their exclusive rights commence from the date of registration. In cases where protection is refused, the applicant should be given the right to make observations and then appeal.

Filing an application for rights to a topography of semiconductor product

  • identification of the creator of the topography of semiconductor products
  • specification
  • graphic or photographic representation

Examination of application by the administrative authority

  • national and international screening
  • examination by the Patent Office

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