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The role of space in delivering Europe's global objectives

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ESA / About Us / Law at ESA / Ministerial Council 2008

Space is a strategic asset and is of fundamental importance for the independence, security and prosperity of Europe. It is an enabling tool which gives European decision-makers the ability to respond to critical challenges, such as global climate change and global security.

Space brings a significant contribution to Europe’s growth and employment; it provides indispensable enabling technologies and services for the knowledge society; and it increases our understanding of our planet and the surrounding Universe.

Space also contributes to European identity, cohesion and security, and it provides inspiration for future human potential, bringing young people to scientific and technical education.

ESA Ministers, gathering at Council in The Hague, can seize on this opportunity to capitalise on this new status of Europe in space, to translate this political impetus into new programmes able to deliver knowledge, services and competitiveness and to shape ESA to assert itself as a global space agency, indispensable to Europe and the world in contributing to global policies.

These are the result of decisions and investments made by European ministers years, or even decades, ago. So, with renewed commitments and vision, our future must therefore be constructed today.


View of Europe from space
View of Europe from space

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