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Degree in Political, Legal and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Chile (1962)

Juris Doctorate (1965)

Masters in Aeronautical and Space Law, National Institute of Aeronautical and Space Law Argentina (with the sponsorship of the OACI Courses (1977)


Faculty of Comparative Legal Systems, Strasbourg
Doctorate (1966-1967)

Diplomatic Academy of Chile
Foreign Service Studies (1974)

National Institute of Aeronautical and Space Law, Argentina,
Specialization Courses in Aeronautical and Space Law (1977-1978)

Inter-American Center of Aeronautical and Space Law of Uruguay
Designated Member (1985)

Diplomatic Academy of Chile
Superior Diplomatic Training Course for Advisors (1989)


Ambassador and Plenipotentiary of Chile in Permanent Mission to Austria.
Energy (OIAE), before the United Nations Industrial Development.
Organization (UNIDO), before the Office of United Nations in Vienna
(UNOV), before the United Nations Program for International Drug Control
(UNPFIDC), and before the Preparatory Commission of the Organization of the Treaty on the Complete Prohibition of Nuclear Testing (Com Prep-OTCPNT).

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Chile in the Slovakian Republic (Concurrent)

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Chile in the Slovenian Republic (Concurrent)

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Chile in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Concurrent)

Member of the Executive Committee for the Assembly of Governors of the OAEI

President of the Industrial Development Group of ONUDI

Special Consultant to the High Commission of the Organizing Committee of ONUDI for the Global Forum on Biotechnology (March 2004) in Conception, Chile.

Vice-President General Conference of the International Organization for Atomic Energy


Diplomatic Academy of Chile
Professor of Space law, Disarmament and International Security (1981)

Nominated Legal Expert of Organization for International Telecommunications (INTELSAT 1983)

University of Chile, Faculty of Law
Professor of LLM courses in Public International Law (1984)

The Pontifical Academy of Sciences of the Vatican
Seminar on the Pacific Use of Outer Space, Legal Expert (1984-1986)

Legal Clerk, Commission on Special Policies of the UN General Assembly (1985)

Legal Expert of INTELSAT (1986)

President of the Group of 77 for the Meeting of the Legal Subcommittee of the Committee on the Pacific Use of the Outer Space (COPOUS 1987)

Vice-President of the Commission for Special Policies of the UN General (41 st Session)

Catholic University of Chile
Professor of Space law and International Security (1987-1990)

President-Elect, Working Group for the Legal Committee of the Commission on Space (1989)

Vice –President of the Space Conference of the Americas, San José, Costa Rica (1990)

President of the Group of the 77 for the Meeting of Commission on Space, Graz, Austria (1991)

President of Space Conference II of the American (1992)

Visiting Professor, University of Granada, Spain (1992-1994)

Designated Member (among international scientific experts) of the International Group for Support for the Space Conferences of the Americas.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Chile in Rumania (1994-1997)

Vice-President of the Space Conference III of the Americas in Santiago, Chile.

Premier Vice-President of the UN Commission on the Pacific Use of Outer Space (COPUOS)

Ambassador, Director of Special Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile (1997-2000)

Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Conception, Chile (1998)

Elected Vice-President of UNISPACE III

Designated by UN Secretary General as Consultant on Disarmament and International Security , (one of twenty designated world wide) (1999)

President of the First Commission of the Un General Assembly on Disarmament and International Security

President of the UN Committee for the Pacific Use of Outer Space (COPUOS) (2002)

President of the International Committee for the Global Forum on Biotechnology (2001)

Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, University of La Serena, Chile (2001)

Designated Vice-president of the First Commission of the UN General Assembly on Disarmament and International Security (2001)

Visiting Professor, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, FLACSO (March 2003)

Designated Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Montpelier, France (2004)


Analysis of the International Law Governing the Activities of the Air Force Command: Comparison of the Argentine and Chilean Norms, Journal of Comparative Law, Argentine Association of Comparative Law (1980)

The Contamination of the Atmosphere Under Space Law. Published by the Institute of Space, Tokyo Symposium (1981)

Theory of the Abuse of Space Law and Legislation. Published by the Institute the International of Space Law, Paris Symposium (1982)

The Contamination of the Atmosphere under the Applicable Space Law: Published by the Research Center for Aeronautical and Space Law of Uruguay.

Project of the Convention on Principles of the Latin American Space Agency: Journal of Space, University of Mississippi (1983).

Proposal for a Latin American Space Agency. Published in Journal of the Institute of International Studies of the University of Chile; Journal of the Diplomatic Academy of the Chilean Ministry of External Affairs.

Legal Aspects of Space Activities: Published by the Pontifical Academy of the Sciences of the Vatican (Symposiums on the Impact of the Space Exploration and Humanity) (1984)

Legal Aspects of the Teleobservation. Published by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences of the Vatican (1985)

The System of Objective Responsibility. Journal of the Chilean Public International Law Association (1988)

Legal Aspects of Teleobservation. Diplomatic Journal of the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Reflections on a Contemporary Multilateral Diplomacy, International Studies of the University of Chile (1989).

General Principles of the International Environmental Law, Journal of the Armed Forces and Society, Journal of International Studies, University of Chile, and Law Review of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Military University of Conception, Chile Medio.

Environment and Military Activities in Outer Space, FLACSO Journal, Armed Forces and Society (1992)

Legal Comments on the document of the UN Secretary General, entitled “New Dimensions to Regulation of Arms and Disarmament in the Later Era of the Cold War”, also published in Journal of Regional Strategic Security, Argentina (1993)

UNISPACE III: An Expression of the Diplomacy for Development. Published by the Institute of the Nations United on Subjects of Disarmament an International Security (UNDIR) (1996)

Preventive Diplomacy and Technology of Space . Journal of the Diplomatic Academy. (1998)

Drug and Human Security: Policy of the Chilean State before International Organizations. Published in “Organized Criminality and Illicit Trafficking of Narcotics” Sergio Politoff and Jean Pierre Matus, Legal Publishing Cono Sur Ltda. (2000)

Publisher of the Proceedings of the Seminar on “Human Security, Science and Technology” organized by the Mission of Chile in Vienna, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria, the International for Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Vienna (IIASA) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Vienna (2001).

Organizer and main speaker of the seminar “Human Security and Nutrition Security, with Special Emphasis in Biotechnology” International Center, Vienna, Austria (2002)

Conference on the Convention Against Organized Transnational Delinquency Transnational. Journal of the Defense Council for the State if Chile. (2003)

Conference on the Convention Against Organized Transnational Delinquency of Palermo, Journal of the Defense Council for the State of Chile (2004)


- American Society of Public International Law, Member.

- Latin American Association for Aeronautical and Space Law, Member

- Inter-American Bar Association, Member

- Institute the International Space Law, Member

- International Law Association, Member

- Aeronautical and Space Training Center of Uruguay, Member

- World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST), Paris, France Member.

- Space Foundation, Member

- Space Week, Board of Directors

- International Federation of Astronautics, Designated Member.

- Association of International Nuclear Law, Designated Member, (May 2003)

- High Council of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analys (IIASA), Member


The Legal Committee of COPUOS paid a special tribute to Ambassador González-Aninat for the successful conclusion of the Declaration on International Cooperation by the Working Group over which he presided, See Report of the Legal Subcommittee, Res A.G. 51123, COPUOS (1997).

Disarmament Award, awarded by the United Nations Regional Center for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UN-LIRED) (December 2002)


Spanish, English French