Agency Week in images: 21-25 October 2024 25/10/2024 4541 views 74 likes ESA / About Us / Week in images This Copernicus Sentinel-2 image showcases the rich agricultural landscape of northern Ohio in the mid-western of the United States. Proba-1’s T-plus 23 years in orbit Cities in Emilia-Romagna, a region in northern Italy, have been hit by severe flooding after heavy rainfall over the weekend. Flooded areas are visible in this multi-temporal image captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission. The comparison uses an image from 8 October (before the floods) and one from 20 October (after the floods). The blue areas highlight the areas impacted by flooding. 'Alien' signal decoded NGC 602 (NIRCam and MIRI image) Final checks on Sentinel-1C before testing Like Thank you for liking You have already liked this page, you can only like it once!