Applications Full collection 4225 views 21 likes ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Copernicus Space technology revealswhere oil pollutes the oceans Monitoring climate changein the Arctic Boosting food securityfrom space Satellites reveal whereEurope is running out of water Europe's lakes and riversmonitored from space Satellites help to designmore habitable cities Glaciers on the move -a perspective from space Satellites support monitoringof Europe's green lungs Satellites pinpointthe loss of natural soil Expanding cities -a growing concern From space to species:monitoring biodiversity Europe's changing snow coverseen from space Satellites help to monitorinfrastructure stability Food watch from space How satellites tracka mass killer Preserving forestscutting carbon Safer shippingthrough sea ice Satellites reveal how sea level risechanges our coastlines Satellites supportsustainable fishing Satellites support sustainableaquaculture development How satellites can supportspace-based weather predictions Mount Etna eruptingon 11 January 2011 Highlighting Earth's solarresources from space Monitoring the airwe breathe Space supports Europe'srenewable energy future Improving flight safetywith satellite data Safer sunbathing thanks tosatellite ozone monitoring Copernicus supportsstorm monitoring The plague of toxic algae Pirated ship tracked by satellite Landslide warnings fromsatellites save lives How satellites can measure terrain displacementsafter earthquakes How satellites help managehumanitarian crises Tracking flood watersfrom space Reacting to disasterswith satellite data Tracking a burning issuefrom space Satellites provide uniqueinsight into our climate system Up hill, down dale -satellites map Earth topography Boosting economic growthwith Copernicus Costa Concordia: Recoveryoperations assisted from space How Copernicus supportsflood management Keeping Europeon the move Facing the renewableenergy challenge How clean isyour favourite beach? A close-up view of big events Monitoring restlesssuper-volcanoes Tracing the outbreakof Ebola Soil moisture datafor global challenges Satellites aid reindeer herders Climate change researchbeyond limits El NiƱo - tracking a globalclimate phenomenon Looking for greatocean garbage patches Where are the jellyfish? Fires - a hot topicin the Mediterranean region Wetlands - unexpectedtreasures Nature valued from space Storms hit Europe's forests Like Thank you for liking You have already liked this page, you can only like it once!