ESA title

Sentinel-1B liftoff delayed another 24 hours

23/04/2016 4968 views 65 likes
ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Copernicus / Sentinel-1

The latest meteorological observations indicate a 'red' weather conditions for the time of liftoff, initially set for Saturday 23 April 2016, therefore Arianespace has decided not to undertake final fueling operations with the launcher.

The launch vehicle and its payloads have been placed in stand-by mode, and maintained in fully safe conditions.

The new launch date is now set for Sunday 24 April 2016, at the precise moment of:


  • 06:02:13 p.m., (Local time in French Guiana)
  • 05:02:13 p.m., (in Washington, D.C.)
  • 09:02:13 p.m., (UTC)
  • 11:02:13 p.m., (in Paris)
  • 00:02:13 a.m., (in Moscow) on April 24.

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