ESA title
Sentinel-5P data products

Data products

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ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Copernicus / Sentinel-5P

Data products from Sentinel-5P’s Tropomi instrument are distributed to users at two levels.

Level-1B provides geo-located and radiometrically corrected top of the atmosphere Earth radiances in all spectral bands, as well as solar irradiances.

Level-2 provides atmospheric geophysical parameters.

The various applications identified for Sentinel-5P require a systematic sampling of a set of atmospheric components both at global and regional scales, with focus at the European area. In line with the needs of numerical forecasting systems, Level-2 products are to be supplied within three hours after sensing. This 'near real-time' (NRT) service delivers products for ozone, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide, vertical profiles of ozone as well as cloud/aerosol distributions.

Sentinel-5P data products
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In addition to the NRT service, an extended list of products will be supplied in ‘Non-Time Critical’ mode, taking advantage of increased accuracies achievable when specific calibration steps and trace gas retrievals are performed with relaxed timing and data availability constraints.

It is currently planned to provide Level-1B products within 12 hours after sensing. Methane, tropospheric ozone and corrected total nitrogen dioxide columns are available within five days after sensing.

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