ESA title
Understanding Earth

Introducing Preparing for tomorrow

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ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / FutureEO / Preparing for tomorrow

Understanding changes in the Earth system and the impact that humanity is having on its delicate balance is paramount. The ability to acquire new insight into Earth-system processes poses significant scientific and technical challenges.

However, it also provides the stimulus and opportunity to develop new measurement capabilities, exploiting the unique vantage point of space to study the ebb and flow of natural processes and the impact human activity is having at local, regional and global scales.

The series of Earth Explorer satellite missions are the epitome of Europe’s technical endeavour in realising new Earth-observing capabilities. These missions offer a stream of innovative measurement techniques to explore and understand different aspects of the Earth system.

Priorities identified by the scientific community are used to guide the development of the Earth Explorer missions. Each has been selected to address and fulfil the strategic objectives of ESA’s Living Planet Programme as well as contribute critical new elements to the global Earth-observing system infrastructure.

The guiding principle of defining, developing and operating Earth Explorer missions in close cooperation with the scientific community provides a tool to address the most critical Earth-science questions in as comprehensive and effective a manner as possible.

Read more about the Earth Explorer missions.

Future Earth Explorer Missions

Earth Explorer 11
Following a Call for Ideas for Earth Explorer 11, issued in May 2020, four mission ideas were selected to enter pre-feasibility study in June 2021. These four missions are Cairt, Nitrosat, Wivern and Seastar. A User Consultation Meeting held in October. The replay of the event has been split into seven videos.

Cairt and Wivern were down-selected in November 2023 to undergo further development. A final selection will be made after a meeting in 2025, with a view to launching the successful Earth Explorer 11 mission in 2031–2032.

Earth Explorer 12
Following a Call for Ideas issued in February 2023, which resulted in 17 submissions, four mission ideas were selected for assessment study in April 2024. These mission ideas are: CryoRad, ECO, Hydroterra+ and Keystone. 


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